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Streaks Scrapbook

Galesburg Silver Streaks Boys/Girls Basketball Teams have advanced to State 23 times since 1950. "Going to State" is considered making the Sweet Sixteen, which goes back to the days when 16 teams played at Huff Gym at Champaign for the State Tournament. This is a look back at these 23 teams. 

Below are the links to write ups on each team. It takes time, eventually all 23 teams will have write ups. Right now, I have been alternating back and forth between a girls and a boys team. 

If you want to read about a particular team, just click on the link below. 

General Stories for Streaks Fans

Boys Basketball Stories

Girls Basketball Stories


  1. What about the 1960’s teams that went to state? Like the one that got beat by Cobden Appleknockers? Be accurate please.

    1. To whoever chose to post a comment anonymously- if you have not been following- I am trying to cover all 23 girls and boys teams who made Sweet 16. I have alternated- next will be 1960 Boys, then 1999 Girls, then 1963 Boys, then 2000 Girls, then 1964 Boys, and so force. So yes, ‘64 will eventually covered. Evan Massey
