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Driveway Camp

Weekly Goals

800 shots attempted (FT's included in this)

200 FT's attempted

2.5 Miles Run

Skills- text results during the week when you complete a skill

Shots, FTM/FTA, Strength, Ball Handling, and Miles Run- Text on Sundays before 7:30pm.

Weekly Goals Reached  (5 = Camp T-Shirt)
Camellia S      13
Riley J             12
Abby D            12
Kiarra K           11
Addy M            11
Lauren L          11
Makenna B       10
Kayla P             09
Juniper S          09
Audree P           09
Kadynce L        08
Alexis E            08
Antonia K         07
Emylee M         07
Grace N            07
Julia R               06
Abby E              05
Megan R            05

Day 1- Tue. May 26- “Driveway Camp”

Quote of the Day
“Championships aren’t won on game day. They are won long before when a team finally commits to do all the hard work necessary to win.”  Jeff Janssen, Sports Psychologist

Word of the Day
MINDSET is the word our players came up with to describe our off-season program. What does it stand for?

Legends Advice
Roy Williams, Men’s Basketball Coach at North Carolina- Sweat More

Reading of the Day
We have a new coach in our program this year, Coach Daniels. She will be an assistant on the varsity with Coach Barshinger and Coach Massey. Here is an interview with Coach Daniels, and then her teammates describe why they think she will be a good coach.

Stat of the Day
Possessions- This is a measure of how many times does a team have the ball each game. Statistically it can be figured by FGA’s + T.O.’s + (.4 x FTA’s) – Off Reb. We hope to be an uptempo team, which means we want a high number of possessions.
Examples-       1997- 68 possessions per game- 70.7 points per game
                        2020- 58 possessions per game- 51.0 points per game

Skill Instruction
At the beginning of each workout, you should do form shooting where you are focused on proper shooting technique. If you have trouble with your shot, move in closer. This is a good video where Coach Calipari, Kenturcky, breaks down shooting technique.

Team Concepts
We want to wear teams out by running on offense and pressing on defense. On offense, whether after a make or miss, we want the point guard to get to an outlet, and outlet the ball to them quickly. Whether we can score or not, we want to push the ball EVERY POSSESSION to wear the other team down. This video shows the numbered break we use.

As part of weekly goals- also do 5 skills competitions- whether time/score is your best, text result to Coach Massey that day. Weekly running goal is up to 2.5 miles.

Day 2- Wed. May 27- “Driveway Camp”

Quote of the Day
“You can’t get much done in life if you only work on the days when you feel good.”   Jerry West

Word of the Day
Culture- Culture is the set of values and expectations that serve as the foundation of our team.

Legends Advice
UConn has a “championship culture”- here is Geno Auriemma talking about expectations.

Reading of the Day
Greatness as a player and greatness starts with having a vision.  

Stat of the Day
Assist- It is a pass that leads to a score. It is a measure of good team work if a team has a high number of assists. Assists are a positive measure of ball handling and unselfishness.

Skill Instruction
An important offensive skill is a shot fake. To be effective, a shot fake must look like a shot. Players often make the fake too fast. Bring the ball up to your face like you are going to shoot.

Team Concepts
Fastbreak basketball is an attitude. To be effective, you cannot run sometimes- it has to be every possession you are going to run. The key to a good fastbreak is the first 2 seconds- point guard gets to outlet and rebounder gets them ball- all in less than 2 sec.
When Other Team Scores- Our #5 must get the ball out quickly. Our #1 must sprint to outlet. In ideal situation, our #1 catches on the run.
This is a simple drill with young players showing the idea of a point guard getting outside for the outlet. As soon as a point guard gets the outlet they should be pushing the ball up the court.
This is a simple rebound drill showing the concept of rebounding and getting the ball out quickly.
This is a coach showing the numbered break with a drawing on the court.

On a varsity level- we really need 3-4 players on the court who can make threes. On JH or FS level, shooting 20-25% make you a star.  On varsity level if you are shooting under 30%, the coach will discourage you from shooting threes. If you want to become a good three point shooter shoot 50-100 threes per day, great shooters shoot 100-200 threes per day. Set a goal of shooting so many threes- then each day record makes/attempts. 

Day 3, Thu May 28- “Driveway Camp

Quote of the Day
“It’s not the will to win that matters- everyone has that. It’s the will to prepare to win that matters.”    Paul “Bear” Bryant, HOF Football Coach

Word of the Day
Improvement- It is not done to you. It is not done for you. It has to be done by you.

Legends Advice
Candace Parker- Practice How You Play-

Reading of the Day
Shanell Jackson didn’t get to play a lot as a junior. She decided to do something about it. Here she describes what motivated her and what she did.

Stat of the Day
Turnovers Per Possession- It measures what pct. of the time does a possession end in a turnover. This past season, 27% of our possessions ended in turnovers. Recent teams who have won Regional titles, turned the ball over between 15-18% of their possessions. That means we got about 8 less shots per game because of turnovers.

Skill Instruction
When a player has the opportunity, they need to attack the basket. You do not try to avoid contact, you try to go thru contact. Don’t ever go to basket hoping for a foul. Go to score.
John Calipari, Kentucky Men’s Coach

Team Concepts
Again today, we are looking at the fastbreak. We want to play more uptempo this year. This video shows the numbered break and labels ways they score. For example- 1-2 for shot, 1-2-4 for score. This video is very good showing the mentality of attacking on offense with the concepts of the numbered break. WE WANT TO RUN!
This video has the 4 taking it out instead of the 5 like we do. And the point guard in this video is VERY LAZY- as a result they are slow with outlets and slow getting the ball out after makes. We want our point guard to fly out to the outlet on the right side on makes.

It is not unusual after the first 2-3 games of the season to have a player who is unhappy with their role and with their playing time. And a player may come to us as coaches with the question, “What can I do to increase my playing time?” We can say general things like, they need to shoot better, they need to rebound better, they need to turn the ball over less, or they need to guard better. In November the answer becomes, “You need to focus on the drills and work to improve.” The real answer often is, “You should have worked harder on your skills in the summer.”

Day 4, Fri May 29- “Driveway Camp

Quote of the Day
“Things turn out best for those who make the best of the way things turn out.”  John Wooden

Words of the Day
Next Play- To be successful, players must move onto the next play. Your focus has to be on NOW- not what happened the play before. Win each possession!

Legends Advice
Hard Defines Greatness

Reading of the Day
It is a mistake to think winning championships is easy. Everyone is working for the same thing- everyone is competing to win championships. The road to championships is not easy- it is tough.

Stat of the Day
Assists/Turnovers Ratio- This stat is a good measure of ball handling ability. When you have the ball, does the possession end with something good (assist) or something bad (turnover). The best ball handlers will have a 2 or 3 assists for every turnover. 

Skill Instruction
When you catch the ball, you should be in a triple threat position. That means you are low and you face the basket. Mistake #1- players make- stand up and put ball over their head- they can’t dribble or shoot from this position. Mistake #2- if a player feels pressure, they pivot away from the defense so they can’t pass, shoot or dribble. So correct option- catch, be low, rip the ball to face the basket.

Team Concepts
This first film is a drill used by many teams running the numbered break- Cycles. First trip #1 shoots, then #2, then #3, then #4, and finally #5. Notice how quickly #5 gets the ball out to #1 on the outlet.
The second films are from Hudl (sorry Frosh-Soph- you don’t have access to this). There are 19 clips of Streaks teams from different years. Some of the clips show positive fastbreak segments, and others show common errors. Go to Hudl- Go to Video- Select-  Driveway Camp- Fastbreak.

If you are a hard worker, and you have self-discipline- this is a great opportunity for you. Other players who are not as hard working or as self-disciplined may need a coach or a camp to “make them work.” You may be able to “pass up” some teammates and opponents because you will work hard on your own.
How much are you sweating in your workouts?
What skill are you focused on improving?

Day 5, Mon June 1- “Driveway Camp

Quote of the Day
“I don’t do things half-heartedly, because I know if I do, then I can expect half-hearted results.” Michael Jordan

Ball Pressure- Defense is a mindset. We must always be willing to get and pressure the person with the ball. The offense cannot be comfortable, and they cannot see. We want a toughness in our defense.

Legends Advice
Coach Summit talking at half-time shows the toughness champions have to bring to a game.

Reading of the Day
All of our leaders- Coach Daniels talks about what you can be doing to show leadership.

Stat of the Day
Free Throw Percentage- It is figured by taking number of FT’s made and dividing it by number of FT’s attempted. Our varsity record for FT% in a season by a team was 71% in 1999. By an individual in a season was Bonny Apsey 88%. Most consecutive FT’s in games is 22 by Brenna Saline. Good varsity players should be shooting 75-80% in games.  

Skill Instruction
Closing out is the expression to describe when you are on defense, and your person receives a pass. You were probably in a help position so now you have to sprint to guard them. You need to- 1) sprint toward your person, 2) about 6-7 feet from your person- throw your hands up, chop your feet, get down into a stance. This video shows the technique.

Team Concepts
For us to be a pressure basketball team, we want to run on offense, and pressure on defense. Playing good pressure defense in the half-court is dependent upon guarding the basketball. The video shows principles of getting up and guarding the basketball. Close Out
The second films are from Hudl (FS- you don’t have access to this). We want to be able to apply pressure defensively in full & half-court. These clips show great ball pressure by Kaylah Townsell completely disrupting the offense. Go to Driveway Camp- KT Ball Pressure.

Is your intensity closer to P.E. Class, or closer to basketball practice?
What is one skill you are trying to improve?

Day 6, Tue June 2- “Driveway Camp

Quote of the Day
“If you’re not positive energy, you’re negative energy.” Mark Cuban

Guard Your Yard- When you are guarding the ball, you must have the ability to not allow straight line drives. If they go to the basket, that is going north-south, you must make them go sideways- east-west. If you take 3 feet to each side of you as a defender- that is your yard- the offense cannot ever be allowed to beat you in your yard- they have to go wide. 

Legends Advice
Successful defense takes an attitude of toughness. Michigan St coach, Tom Izzo- Toughness

Reading of the Day
Commitment by players helps build trust in our teammates.

Stat of the Day
“Winning the FT Line- Offensively teams who are aggressive draw more fouls. Defensively teams who don’t maintain good defensive position have to reach and try to block shots, so they foul. A team with +5 FT attempts wins 60% of the games, with +10 they win 70% of games, and +14 win 80% of games. Number of FT’s shot is a good predictor of success.

Skill Instruction
It is important to learn to defend with your feet- moving your feet- not reaching with your hands. It may seem basic but this video breakdowns footwork in Zig-Zag Drill.

Team Concepts
One of the great defenders in Kawhi Leonard. This video shows him not only pressuring the ball but maintaining position on them.

The second films are from Hudl (FS- you don’t have access to this). We want to be able to apply pressure defensively in full & half-court. These clips show examples of good and of bad defensive pressure on the ball. Go to Hudl- Go to Video- Go to Driveway Camp- Ball Pressure.


Day 7, Wed June 3- “Driveway Camp

Quote of the Day
“Today I will do what others won’t, so tomorrow I can accomplish what other can’t.”   Jerry Rice

Pop Back- When on defense, if a player starts to dribble, the defense must “pop back.” The common error of a defender is that when offense starts to dribble, the defender just moves to right or left, loses the space to contain the dribbler. Pop back when they dribble.  

Legends Advice
Geno Auriemma- The Character of Players He Recruits

Reading of the Day
Exploring Our Limits- We may be capable of more than we realize.

Stat of the Day
Opponents Points per Possession- The best overall measure of our defense is how many points per possession the other team scores. They will have a lower pts/poss if we don’t give up easy shots, we don’t foul, and we force turnovers. 

Skill Instruction
Gap defense- describes a player being one pass away from the ball, being in a gap so the offensive player cannot drive into that gap. By being in a gap, they are already in a help position.
2 on 2 concept of gap defense-

Team Concepts
Virginia men’s basketball is considered one of the best defensive teams in college basketball. This video is from their National Championship game. 1) They do not get beat off the dribble, 2) Their teammates are in position to give help in the gaps, 3) When the ball is passed, they close out fast and low.
The second films are from Hudl (FS- you don’t have access to this). These clips show- 1) Pressuring the ball, 2) Moving feet to contain ball,  3) Getting into gaps. Go to Driveway Camp-Guarding/Gapping.

Yesterday- Riley J did 4 Skill Challenges- impressive- great leadership!!
Let me know if you reach- 10,000 shots, 15,000 shots, 20,000 shots, etc.

Day 8, Thu June 5- “Driveway Camp

Quote of the Day
“Our greatest weakness lies in giving up. The most certain way to succeed is always to try just one more time.”      Thomas Edison

Hedge- In a ball screen, the defender on the screener must “hedge” to help on dribbler. High Hedge- jump out next to screener to block the dribbler coming off the screener. Flat Hedge- get in dribblers pass but stay below the screener. Tag when ball screen is being set, a third defender must be ready to literally “tag” the screener when they roll. Screen defender helps the dribbler, and the tag helps the screener defender.

Legends Advice
Sabrina Ionescu and her winning edge.

Reading of the Day

Stat of the Day
Field Goal Percentage- FG% is total shots made (2’s/3’s) divided by your shots attempted. Good players shoot 50% for 2’s and 35% for 3’s. Guards shoot 40-45FG% and posts 50FG%. If shooting pct. is low- “Are you a good shooter taking bad shots, or a bad shooter taking too many shots?” 

Skill Instruction
When defending players who sets a screen- the defender must early, loudly be yelling “Screen” to warn the defender on the ball. The defender of the screener then uses hedge technique.
Defending Ball Screens- High Hedge
Defending Ball Screen- Flat Hedge

Team Concepts
Shell Drill- Players must: 1) be in stance, 2) Close out and pressure the ball,  3) Getting into a gap if one pass away,  4) Getting the to middle of the floor if in help position.

The 2nd film is Hudl (FS- no access). These clips show good/bad ball screen defense. Galesburg clips show Flat Hedge we tried to do last year. Morton clips show High Hedge/Trapping- aggressive method we want to use this year. Go to Hudl- “Driveway Camp-Hedge.”

Congrats- Kiarra K yesterday completed her 19th Skills Challenges-
Congrats- Camellia passed 15,000 shots, Makenna B passed 10,000 shots!


Day 9, Fri June 6- “Driveway Camp

Quote of the Day
“The ability to push yourself when no one else is there to watch, encourage, measure or hold you accountable is a tremendous test of your personal drive, and love of the game. You will reach the boundary of your comfort zone and that is when the test begins. Just beyond that comfort zone is where growth resides.”     Proactive Coaching

All In- Teams who are successful are “ALL IN.” All In to their teammates. All In to working. All In to their coaches. All In with their commitment. Championships are not lukewarm!

Legends Advice
Geno Auriemma- We Don’t Get Tired

Reading of the Day
First part of this reading, Kaylee talks about what makes a great teammate--

Stat of the Day
Offensive Rebound Pct & Defensive Rebound Pct- OR% is offensive rebounds divided by our total missed shots. DR% is defense rebounds divided by opp. shots missed. Good teams get 40% OR% & 75% DR%. Last yr we got 35% OR% & 61% DR%. If we can get to 40 OR% & 75 DR%, it would mean swing of 10 possessions per game, and an additional gain of 10 points. So rebounding improvement would have resulted in 6 more wins & made us 24-8!!

Skill Instruction
Defensive Rebounding involves making contact. You must step into the offense and stop their movement.  Defensive Rebounding

Team Concepts
An important part of team defense is having the ability to deny the ball into the low post. We may choose to ¾ deny or to totally front the post. Good post defense involves being physical and active.

The 2nd film is Hudl (FS- no access). These clips look at post defense and rebounding. Go to Hudl- “Driveway Camp-Post Def & Reb .”


Day 10, Mon June 8- “Driveway Camp

Quote of the Day
“Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.”   Henry David Thoreau

Energy Wins- Teams who lack energy or enthusiasm don’t win. Energy is what makes you practice harder and execute harder. People are either energy givers- make others more excited. Or they are energy vampires- they take energy from others. 

Legends Advice
Pat Summit- Believe It

Reading of the Day

Stat of the Day
Points in the Paint- This describes scoring from inside- post feeds, driving to the basket, and offensive rebounding. Often the team who scores the most points in the paint wins, because they also tend to shoot the most free throws by getting the ball inside. 

Skill Instruction
Primary & Secondary Breaks- With a primary break, we get a 2 on 1 or 3 on 2 for hopefully an easy score. This is usually off of a steal. If the defense has gotten back, we don’t want to pull the ball out and yell “Set it up.” We want to keep the pressure on the defense going right into a Secondary Break. We don’t want to let up on the other team- we push the ball down the floor and then we immediately flow into a secondary. We keep the pressure on. We will flow into several secondary offenses. Carolina Break- this video shows possible options-

Team Concepts
Here is another outline of how to push the ball and how to get into a secondary break

The 2nd film is Hudl (FS- no access). Go to Hudl- “Driveway Camp-Fastbreak Makes .”


5 Skill Challenges- They are part of Week’s Goal- turn in time/score on day you complete.

Varsity- We have a lot of people who need to step up their game!! The Weekly Goals are only a minimum. I saw on social media guard in our conference who is making 200 Threes per day in her driveway! Challenge yourself- work now- win later!

Day 11, Tue June 9- “Driveway Camp

Quote of the Day
“By doing things when you are too tired, by pushing yourself farther than you thought you could, like running the track after a two-hour practice, you become a competitor. Each time you go beyond your perceived limit, you become mentally stronger.” – Pat Summitt

Side Ball Screen- A side ball screen describes when a wing has the ball and someone comes to set a screen for them to dribble into the middle.  

Legends Advice
Steve Kerr Talks Golden State Culture

Reading of the Day

Stat of the Day
Ball Reversal- Ball reversal is when the ball starts on one side, and then is passed to the other side. So the defense has adjust to guarding two sides. A study show when teams: 1st Side Shot- 0.63 pt/possession, 2nd Side Shot- 0.88 pts/possession, 3rd Side Shot- 1.11 pts/possession. Ball reversal makes the other team work. 

Skill Instruction
An important part of team offense is having the ability to set a good, physical screen on the defender guarding the ball. You can’t run into them or move- or it is a foul. But you need to cut hard, come to jump stop. When you set your screen, always have your feet shoulder width apart, and make sure your rear points in the direction the ball handler wants to go.

Team Concepts
Our Fist play is known as European Ball Screen Offense. In this offense, it is important that: 1) Screener gets proper angle, 2) Ball handler doesn’t go until screen is set, late is better than early,  3) Ball handler always wants to drive to get a “piece of the lane,” 4) Screener must roll as soon as ball handler goes off their shoulder. This video is our Fist

The 2nd film is Hudl (FS- no access). Go to Hudl- “Driveway Camp-Fist Offense.”


Remember- part of Week’s Goals includes completing 5 challenges- and text to Coach Massey the day you do them.  Riley Jenkins completed 6 Skill Challenges yesterday!!

Day 12, Wed June 10- “Driveway Camp

Quote of the Day
“Here’s how I’m going to beat you. I’m going to outwork you. That’s it. That’s all there is to it.” – Pat Summitt

Rescreen- On a ball screen like in our #4 or #5 plays, the defense will get over the screen and defend the play. The offense can then just turnaround and rescreen from the opposite direction, it is difficult to defend two ball screens in a row. “Ricky” is phrase for rescreening.   

Legends Advice

Reading of the Day

Stat of the Day
Transition Points- TP are points scored in the first 8 seconds after a steal or defensive rebound.  

Skill Instruction
This video looks into how a ball handler should read a ball screen as they come off the screen.
This video looks at 3 ways for the screener to score.

Team Concepts
We run versions of #4 & #5 plays where we set a screen in the middle of the floor for a guard. This video looks at how the Houston Rockets attack with middle ball screens.
Houston Rockets Attacking Hard Hedge

The 2nd film looks at versions of our #4/#5 plays- #4, #5, #4C, #5C, #34, #5 Dn, #55.    The 2nd film is Hudl (FS- no access). Go to Hudl- “Driveway Camp-#4/#5’s.”


Congrats to Kiarra Kilgore & Addy McLaughlin- they both have completed over 20 skill challenges- they are really having an impressive off-season!! Excited to see them play!

Day 13, Thu June 11- “Driveway Camp

Quote of the Day
“There may be people that have more talent than you, but there’s no excuse for anyone to work harder than you do.”    Derek Jeter

Chemistry- When a team wins a championship, they will talk about their chemistry. If you have had chemistry in school, are aware that in chemistry they talk about separate elements bonding together to form one. With a team, if players commit to each other, show each other they are reliable, and share a common vision- they build a bond and team chemistry.

Legends Advice
Coach K- Building Team

Reading of the Day

Stat of the Day
Effective Field Goal Pct.- eFG% takes into account that a made 3 point shot is one more point than a 2 FG. So while a play may make fewer of the threes attempted, it is looking at points scored per shot. The formula is  2FGMade + (1.5 x 3FGMade) divided by total FG attempts. So ideally a player wants to have eFG% of 50%, which means they are scoring an average of 1 pt per shot.

Skill Instruction
This video explains how to read screens and set screens.

Team Concepts
Flex- Flex is an action on offense. A player at the block will set a screen for someone at the wing to cut on the baseline, then another player will downscreen for the player who set the screen. The defense then must cover the flex cut (baseline cut), and then the down screen.    
Golden State Flex Action

The 2nd film looks at versions of Flex.    The 2nd film is Hudl (FS- no access). Go to Hudl- “Driveway Camp- Flex #6/7”


Day 14, Fri June 12- “Driveway Camp

Quote of the Day
“Success is peace of mind which is a direct result of self-satisfaction in knowing you did your best to become the best you are capable of becoming.”     John Wooden

Grind- This phrase is used to describe a player or team who is willing to be persistent, and keep working even though success not be easy.

Legends Advice
Jay Williams- Next Play

Reading of the Day
All of you know who Pete Thierry is, but you may not know his history-

Stat of the Day
Free Throw Factor- FTF measures how often a player is getting to the free throw line by taking Free Throws Attempted Divided by Field Goals Attempted. It is measuring how often is a player attacking the basket vs. just settling for jump shots outside or fading away inside. Riley had our highest rate last year at .55.

Skill Instruction
This video looks at what to do when a team makes a hard hedge on a ball screen.

Team Concepts
This video looks at screen the screener action similar to what we do in our Box play. In this video they get to the ball to the wing in different ways but it is the same concept as Box.

The 2nd film looks at versions of our Box plays.    The 2nd film is Hudl (FS- no access). Go to Hudl- “Driveway Camp- Box Sets.”


Let Coach Massey know when you reach 10,000, 15,000, 20,000 shots.

Day 15, Mon June 15- “Driveway Camp

Quote of the Day
“Good teams become great ones when the members trust each other enough to surrender the ‘me’ for the ‘we.’”     Phil Jackson

Fouls Are Errors- Most fouls are committed because a player is not in good defensive position. Bad players commit fouls, it give FREE shots to the other team. Since most players make less than 50% of their shots, fouling a shooter is a cardinal error. Don’t try to block every shot.

Legends Advice
Brad Stevens, Boston Celtics- The Game Honors Toughness

Reading of the Day
Sara Wood- starting guard on ’96 team, college player, today U.S. Marine leadership trainer

Stat of the Day
Plus-Minus- This stat measures when a player is on the floor what the score is just during that time. This is one of the most important stats used in the NBA. Last season for us, our two leades were- Riley +7.2 and Kaylee +7.0. That means when Riley was on the floor we outscored opp. 7.2 points per game.

Skill Instruction
Backdoor Cuts- Isaiah Thomas

Team Concepts
This video looks at successful backdoor cuts.

The 2nd film looks at versions of our Box plays.    The 2nd film is Hudl (FS- no access). Go to Hudl- “Driveway Camp- Clears & Backdoors.”


Let Coach Massey know when you reach 10,000, 15,000, 20,000 shots.

Congrats- Emylee Miller completed 5th week of reaching week’s goals= T-shirt!!

As finish skills- text them in.
Don’t use doing Conditioning with another sport as an excuse not to meet our weekly goals- STAY COMMITTED!!

Day 16, Tue June 16- “Driveway Camp

Quote of the Day
“Teamwork is really a form of trust. It’s what happens when you surrender the mistaken idea that you can go it alone and realize that you won’t achieve your individual goals without the support of your colleagues.” – Pat Summitt

Execute- Some players mistakenly think the idea of offense is to trick the other team. Good teams aren’t tricked- on offense you try to practice things so that you can execute your offense vs any defense. The tougher the team, the more you need to be focused on execution.  

Legends Advice
Pat Summit- Don’t Say Can’t

Reading of the Day

Stat of the Day
Value Point System- VPS awards points for each stat a player has and gives them an overall score. Points + Rebounds+ 2 * (Assists + Charges + Steals + Blocks) Divided By FT Misses + 2 * (FG Misses, Turnovers, Fouls) Last year Audree Peck had 1.63 and Riley Jenkins had 1.47.  

Skill Instruction
Every guard in our program should watch this video- PG’s Must Watch

Team Concepts
Often players try to drive to the basket and complain the defender physically won’t let them. Or players drive to basket and get to the basket and have their shot fouled and don’t get any foul calls. This video explains how you should be initiating contact to beat and to finish at the basket. Creating Contact and Finishing Creating an Angle

This film will be on 3rd or 4th row. The 2nd film is Hudl (FS- no access). Go to Hudl- “Driveway Camp- Zone O.”


1-    Let Coach Massey know when you reach 10,000, 15,000, 20,000 shots.
2-    As finish skills- text them in.
3-    Don’t use doing Conditioning with another sport as an excuse not to meet our weekly goals- STAY COMMITTED!!

Day 17, Wed June 17- “Driveway Camp

Quote of the Day
“You can’t always be the most talented person in the room. But you can be the most competitive.” – Pat Summitt

Tougher Together- Often when a team gets into a tough game, some players look inward and worry about themselves. When things are tough, teams need to stick together.   

Legends Advice
Nick Saban, Alabama Football Coach- Toughness
Reading of the Day
A great team knows they can lean on each other in tough times.

Stat of the Day
Second Chance Points- Any basket scored after a team gets an offensive rebound.   

Skill Instruction

Team Concepts
Drill we use to work on team defense is the Shell Drill.

This film will be on 3rd or 4th row. The 2nd film is Hudl (FS- no access). Go to Hudl- “Driveway Camp-OB’s.”


1-    Let Coach Massey know when you reach 10,000, 15,000, 20,000 shots.
2-    As finish skills- text them in.
3-    Don’t use doing Conditioning with another sport as an excuse not to meet our weekly goals- STAY COMMITTED!!

Day 18, Thu June 18- “Driveway Camp

Quote of the Day
“You have to not only love the game, you have to love the training, the practices, and the competing. You have to love everything about it.”  Maya Moore

All In- Players and teams who succeed are teams who are “ALL IN.” ALL IN to being a good teammate, all in to being coached, all in to doing whatever the team needs, all in to practicing hard, all in to doing all the extras which make champions.    

Legends Advice
Reading of the Day

Stat of the Day
Best Three Shots- Statistically the best three shots are free throws, layups, and threes. The more of these shots a team gets, the better they will be.    

Skill Instruction
All-American, Megan Gustafson- Midday Mikans

Team Concepts
We can play great defense but we must “wrap up the possession” by getting the rebound.

Two films will be on 3rd or 4th row. The 2nd film is Hudl (FS- no access). Go to Hudl- “Driveway Camp-41 Press.”  And Driveway Camp- MM Press.


1-    Let Coach Massey know when you reach 10,000, 15,000, 20,000 shots.
2-    As finish skills- text them in.
3-    Don’t use doing Conditioning with another sport as an excuse not to meet our weekly goals- STAY COMMITTED!! We want to become CHAMPIONS!

Day 19, Fri June 19- “Driveway Camp

Quote of the Day
“I don’t count my sit-ups, I only start counting when it starts hurting because they’re the only ones that count.”  Muhammed Ali

Competitiveness- We use competition in sports to push us to work harder and to achieve more than we normally would. Competitiveness cannot be something you turn off and turn on. Championship teams compete in individual workouts, in practice, and then in games. Competing is a habit.     

Legends Advice
Kobe Bryant- Best Motivational Speech
Reading of the Day
Today’s reading is actually a video from Kobe Bryant- Mindset of a Winner

Stat of the Day
Best Three Shots- Statistically the best three shots are free throws, layups, and threes. The more of these shots a team gets, the better they will be.    

Skill Instruction

Team Concepts
Shaka Smart Using Ball Screen

Two films will be on 3rd or 4th row. The 2nd film is Hudl (FS- no access). Go to Hudl- “Driveway Camp-Silver Defense


1-    Let Coach Massey know when you reach 10,000, 15,000, 20,000 shots.
2-    As finish skills- text them in.
3-    Don’t use doing Conditioning with another sport as an excuse not to meet our weekly goals- STAY COMMITTED!! We want to become CHAMPIONS!
4-    If all goes as planned- we are hoping to start practices the week of June 29th. Details to come.

Day 20- Mon June 22- “Driveway Camp”

Quote of the Day
“Championships aren’t won on game day. They are won long before when a team finally commits to do all the hard work necessary to win.”  Jeff Janssen, Sports Psychologist
“Good teams become great ones when members trust each other enough to surrender the ME for the WE.” Phil Jackson

Word of the Day
MINDSET is the word our players came up with to describe our off-season program. What does it stand for?

Legends Advice
Roy Williams, Men’s Basketball Coach at North Carolina- Sweat More

Reading of the Day

Skill Instruction

Team Concepts
We want to run on steals, misses, and makes.  
This video has the 4 taking it out instead of the 5 like we do. And the point guard in this video is VERY LAZY- as a result they are slow with outlets and slow getting the ball out after makes. We want our point guard to fly out to the outlet on the right side on makes.

Keep working on weekly goals- 800 shots, 200 FT’s, 5 BH, 5 Strength, 5 Skill Challenges- Let’s get back to having over 20 players reaching the weekly goals!!

If all goes well with State, IHSA, Dist 205, Knox Co Health Dept- we are hoping to start practices the week of June 29. Tentative plan will be for us to practice 9-11 with varsity in Thiel, and Frosh & Soph in FH.

Keep working!! Those of you who have not been working- get it going!!

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