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Players Talk Motivation/Workouts

“My Motivation Series”

Some of the best Streaks players ever talk about how they went from being a good player to a great player. They focus on two things:
·      What was your motivation to work so hard?
·      What was your workout program?

#1- Shanell Lightfoot (Jackson)
Shanell is GHS all-time best three point percentage shooter at .431. In 2001, she had a prolific run thru the IHSA state series, helping us finish 4th in State. She was a prolific shooter in the off-season, and in evenings after our practices.

#2- Jaque Gohlinghorst (Howard)
Jaque was three year starter on teams that finished Elite 8, 2nd place, and 4th place at State. She still holds GHS record for career assists.

#3- Bonny Apsey
Bonny was a 6’1” All-State post player for the Streaks. She led the 1995 Streaks to the Sweet 16. It was the Streaks first ‘State Appearance”. Nobody may have had more impact on the Streaks program than Bonny Apsey. Her workout program in-season after practices set the entire tone for a culture of “going beyond,” for all of her teammates.

#4- Jessica Howard
Jessica holds the Illinois record for most threes made in a season with 139 made threes. She finished her career with 378 made threes. Her team made it to the Elite 8 in 2011.

#5- Brenna Saline
Brenna was three time First Team All- Western Big Six, and she was also three time all-state. She went onto play college basketball at Missouri Western.

#6- Andie Leibach (Allison)
No one has “got it” more than Andie “got it” as a high school basketball player. She was totally into being a team player. And a huge part of being a “team player”, is understanding commitment and work ethic. Andie was not outworked by anyone.

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