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Monday, September 30, 2024

Favorite Gyms- Ranked by Coaches, Players, Fans

There are many great high school gyms in Illinois. Every coach, every player, and every fan probably believes they have the best gym in Illinois. 

In my idle time, I got to thinking about some of my all-time favorite gyms. I haven't been to all of the gyms in Illinois, but in 50 years of coaching I did see a lot of the gyms. As I began to make my list, it made me wonder what other coaches, players, and fans would consider as their best gyms. As I got back other people's lists of "best gyms," it became apparent that people's "best gyms" aren't just about the actual buildings but also about the memories coaches, players and fans have connected to the gyms. I asked Thom Sigel, Mike Reynolds, Barry Swanson, Ryan Webber, Bob Anderson, Jason Shay, Joey Range, Sean Hanlon, Jay Redfern, Amy Massey, Mark Massey, Amanda Gunther-Egli, Andie Allison-Leibach, Sara Wood, Chad Thompson, Lexi Demott, Kelsi Legge, Jenna Bicego-Wesselhoeft, Mark Harden Jr, Mike Cooper, Jay Hatch, and Megan Young.

I asked the others to give me their top five gyms, and said they could not include their "home gym." For myself, I was going to go with my top ten, but I ended up with many more.

Massey's List

My list is a combination of best atmospheres, historic nature, and just impressiveness. 

20- UTHS North Campus Gym- It was up on the hill. Girls played there until 1990. It was actually a stage, one side had sunken theater seats and the other side bleachers. It a retro gym the day it was built. If the ball went off on the theater side, it was a 5 minute delay to find it and get it back. 

19- Pekin- We played both Sectionals and Super-Sectionals there, it was big and it was impressive when full.

18- New Trier- They just remodeled. You thought you were playing in a castle. It wreaked of history with banners of all there State champions in every sports. They have more State titles than any school in Illinois.

17- NIU Convocation Center- We played one Super there. It was new and impressive with all the perks- scoreboards in the lockerooms and stats given to you after each half. 

16- Mattoon- When you drew Mattoon, it was like going back to Hoosiers with the crowd right there.

15- EIU- Our boys and us played a double header with T-town. To play a regular season game with a large crowd of crazy Wooden Shoe fans was really cool.

14- Quincy- Baldwin Gym- Don't panic former players reading this, I am not talking about where we play now! This is the gym the boys play in. We played there for part of the '70's and '80's then again briefly in the early 2000's. It has all the bells and whistles, and their HOF is outstanding. 

13- IWU- Shirk Center- The game when both boys and girls played in front of full house for 1997 holiday tourney championship was great. It would have rated higher but when they hosted Super-Sectional their lack of effort compared to NIU was obvious.

12- Taylorville- History counts- I would love to go back to a Dolph Stanley game in the 1940's.

11- Chicago Maria- This is old, old school gym on southside of Chicago. Benches were on one side underneath a balcony. Walls were closer than in Thiel. Great atmosphere.

10- Canton- Alice Ingersoll- What a shame that for years we played in a new gym with no character at the high school. Canton gym is great and their HOF and trophy area is even better. 

9- Carthage- We played there when both of us were State rated. The gym with stage probably holds 800 people and they had 1600 in there. The lockeroom was set up to be 120 degrees. As soon as the horn went off and they won- the band broke out into "Another Bites the Dust."

8- UTHS- Again, former players don't panic, this is not the small "girls gym." Their main gym- Panther Den. One of best floors and great atmosphere. We beat Moline there in a regular season game moved because of a leak at Wharton, and then won Sectional. Great gym- shame we haven't gotten to play there much.

7- Rock Island- Rock Garden- ditto to #20 and #8. They hosted a Sectional there and the atmosphere and crowd was outstanding. Great facility.

6- Wharton FH- Seems hard to play and hard to shoot there. Great history, my dad coached Fulton at Wharton. 

5- Ottawa- I wish could see a game there when full. It is a classic gym. We played a Sectional there in front of great crowds. There are seats right on the floor, and then the balcony is complete with old Comisky Park poles. 

4- Dixon- Most will be shocked at this choice. Thru the years, we won a Regional, a Sectional, and a Super-Sectional there. When it is full, it is outstanding atmosphere.

3- Sterling- This is a great historic gym that they have modernized without taking any of the character away. The story is that John Thiel always wanted to play here because thought it was good prep for the Assembly Hall. There tech with the scoreboard and their HOF are something every school should try to emulate. 

2- Redbird Arena- Sadly, they don't always invite people to play. When the team leaves the locker room and goes to the tunnel and looks out to see their crowd waiting for them- it sends chills. 

1- NIU- Evans FH- Their old arena was fantastic. It seemed like the sideline bleacher went up 200 rows. Then each school had their students in the end zone seating- what an atmosphere. The only downside is that there is no panic bar on the lockeroom doors so if you are like Peachey and get locked in at half-time, you have to got out a back fire exit and run around the building. 

Remember- they could not include their "home gyms"

Thom Sigel

This was a difficult task to choose a top 5 gyms I have had a chance to coach in.  And I wasn't able to choose The Rock Garden at Rock Island.  So I have decided to cheat a little to get a list of 5! (not in any particular order)

1. Forrest L. Tabor Gymnasium, Rock Falls - I wasn't able to choose Rock Island, but my other head coaching stop - and alma mater - was not off the table, so I have to pick this one.  It was an honor to coach at the gym I played in, and when we would get it packed it could get really loud and tough on opponents.

2.  Western Big 6 (Galesburg, Moline, Quincy, Alleman, UT) - My coaching career started at Galesburg as an assistant, and the atmosphere in Thiel Gym has always been exciting.  Wharton Fieldhouse at Moline has such a historic feel, and I have been fortunate to coach in Rocky-Moline games and some post-season games, including the 1998 Rock Falls-Farmington Super-Sectional.  Quincy brings an experience that is pretty much unmatched in high school basketball.  When our Rock Falls teams visited Don Morris Gym at Alleman, they were always big games that were packed to the rafters.  The Panther Den at UT was great on Friday nights when they turned out the lights around the court, but winning two Super-Sectionals there to advance to State were unforgettable nights as well.

3.  Homer Musgrove Fieldhouse, Sterling - I didn't include them in the Western Big 6 because the majority of my memories come from growing up in Rock Falls, playing there and then coaching in the big rivalry games.  Like UT, the adrenaline kicked in when they turned out the lights around the court.  And when it was Rock Falls -Sterling, it was pretty special.

4.  Assembly Hall, University of Illinois - I am not sure if these have to be high school gyms, but being able to coach there twice in shootout games were great memories.  The place felt almost empty, but the mystique of the Assembly Hall and coming out of the tunnel was still an awesome experience.

5.  Robertson Fieldhouse & Carver Arena, Bradley University - The history of Robertson Fieldhouse and the unique design were awesome.  I was able to coach there twice in shootouts and twice as an assistant in the Sectional.  Whether it was just a couple hundred fans or a packed house, sitting next to that raised court - or up there coaching - was something unlike any other situation I have been in.  And while Carver Arena itself didn't have a special feel to it, when it is the host of the State Finals with a few thousand fans attending, it means it has to be on the list.

Jay Redfern

Note: My list is a bit dated since the majority of my time visiting gyms and arenas took place in the 1970s, 80s and 90s as a fan, student statistician and later sports writer for The Register-Mail.

1. Robertson Fieldhouse, Bradley University: I attended serval sectional tournament games and a couple of Bradley games there, and the atmosphere was electric.

2.  Wharton Fieldhouse: You can feel the history and nostalgia the minute you pull in the parking lot. Best game I saw there was Galesburg’s upset over Rock Island in the sectional semifinals in 1990. (But have they fixed the potholes?)

3. Rock Island Fieldhouse: I know it’s been remodeled and is much nicer now, but the Rock Garden always had a big-game field. And why wouldn’t it, with all of the great players and coaches that have made their marks in that gym. I can still see Coach Reid in the little cutout on the second level, watching the sophomore games.

4. Horton Fieldhouse: This one is purely for nostalgia, having watched the Streaks boys dominate the Illinois State Classic holiday tournament there in the 1980s.

5. Redbird Arena: Again, another nostalgia pick — with visions of the Streaks girls going on their historic state run in that venue.

Bob Anderson

I liked United's gym best of all. It is very open and it is set up nicely to coach a game in. 

Next would be Illini Bluffs. When you walked in that gym, only your best effort and game were going to get you a win. 

Next is the Elmwood gym. the fans were on one side and the players on the other, a good set-up for the fans on a one sided gym. I could feel the respect in the air for our program at that gym. 

Next was the Wethersfield gym. we won the 2015 regional in that gym. That's probably the second biggest win in my career. 

Last gym would be Rock Island's gym. We got the biggest win in my coaching career when we beat Rock Island Alleman in the 1997 super sectional at Rock Island High School. i've talked to alot people who were at that game who said it was the greatest high school game they had ever seen. To this day, it still brings chills to my body whenever I think about it or talk to someone about that game.

Mike Reynolds

In no particular order
Chrisman gym. Fans were on the court and it was smoking hot in there. I also learned the running clock rule there. 

St. Joe Ogden loved our battles when I was a young coach at Bismarck-Henning. Was a fun rivalry 

Panther Den at UTHS-  Nostalgic for me as I was the freshman B coach. Lots of fun memories as a visiting coach. 

Wharton Field House- as a QC Thunder fan growing up, it was always a thrill to coach there. Great venue and close to Whiteys for a malt after a big win

Waubonsie Valley always has a big crowd that is very interested in trying to beat the Barbs! Great popcorn!!

Lexi Demott

1st- Thiel gym! That’s a no brainer. Nothing beats a Thursday night conference game!! 

2nd- New Trier. We got to take a tour of the school while we were there as well. That is a place I’ll never forget going and playing. 

3rd- Mattoon. It was always enjoyable to go somewhere different for a couple days and win a couple Championships! 

4th- Wharton Field House. It is so hard to play in there, but the set up and atmosphere was always fun to play and win in! 

5th- Lincoln.  It was neat to play there because the gym was built the same way as Thiel! 

Note- Lexi violate the direction of not listing your “home gym.” But that fine- 
1- I always felt the Galesburg Girls Coach should be allowed to do whatever they want, 
2-  She is right about Thiel!!

Mike Cooper

C.A. Hills gym (former Rochelle Gym before new gym.) Visiting team got 82 tickets in one corner. Band and Rochelle student behind bench on the stage. They used to have a restraining line. Atmosphere was crazy.

Rock Island Girls gym, smaller version of Kingman Gym in Ottawa. All seats are permanent, locker rooms were old and it was loud when you played them
In a big game.

Homer Musgrove Fieldhouse, Sterling High School. Huge home court advantage, it was a challenge for the visiting team shooting into the space behind the baskets.

Thiel Gymnasium: Galesburg is a great place to play because of the passion of the Galesburg fans! Always a large crowd that makes it tough on the opponent. The tradition of Galesburg girls basketball gives them an edge before the game even starts.

Bader Gym (Ottawa Marquette) small gym with limited seating and Stage behind the benches. Spectators are right on top of you and they make it feel like the floor is smaller than you think.

Ryan Webber

Collinsville- We won the sectional in 2016 in Collinsville. It was the last game ever played in the original Vergil Fletcher Gymnasium before they remodeled it. Collinsville under Coach Fletcher was known as the birthplace of the Ball Press. We played Alton who was one of the most athletic and fast teams I’ve coached against in my career. I didn’t think we could Ball Press them and keep them from the rim. So we didn’t until we had to. We were down 8 with 3:30 to play and I went to the Ball Press with our season on the line. I thought it was so cool that we went on this huge run to win the sectional championship using that defense in that gym

Quincy is my favorite


Niles Notre Dame (suburbs, hosted the regional when I was at Warren. Got crazy loud. Wall around the court, student sections above you, locker rooms under the court. You could feel the noise)

Waukegan has an awesome gym also. Sits in a bowl. They always host the sectional in the north shore suburbs

Barry Swanson

Wharton Field House, Horton Field House, Robertson Field House, Quincy, Rock Island. Not sure I would say I enjoyed those places because except for Horton (4 ISU Classic Championships) & Wharton where we rarely lost, some of toughest losses were at Robertson, Quincy, and Rocky. I’d also add Richwoods to that list. We also had some great wins in each of those places. However, the level of competition & playing against HOF teams & coaches was always exciting & challenging.

Jay Hatch

1- Galesburg
2- Sterling
3- Wharton FH
4- Ottawa
5- Bloomington

Jason Shay

1- Quincy
2- Wharton FH
3- Rock Island FH
Nowhere else came close to these three.

Sean Hanlon

1- Robertson FH in Peoria
2- Wharton FH
3- Quincy
4- Rock Island FH
5- Peoria Central

Amanda Gunther

1- Redbird Arena
2- Northern Illinois
3- Illinois Wesleyan
4- Peoria Central

Amy Massey

1- Northern Illinois- We never lost.
2- Redbird Arena
3- Sterling- Cool, old building
4- Streator- It had a petting zoo during the game when Allen was little.
5- Illinois Wesleyan- Highlight was during a Special Olympics game during half-time, all these important men were running it, but one of the players stopped the game to show them the ball was a girls ball. None of the supervisors had noticed.
6- Alleman- Would have made it but I am still mad about a T you got for being out of the box. 

Megan Young

1. All the Carolina gyms felt magical (the walks to games were so special too)
2. Tennessee main court
3.  Charleston tourney main court
4. Wharton Field House
5. New Trier

Joey Range

1. Peoria Civic Center
2. Quincy Blue Devil Gymnasium
3.Wharton Field House
4.Shirk Center
5. Rock Island Rock Garden

Chad Thompson

1. Manual Gymnasium - Peoria Manual HS
I love the history and how the walls and floor show the successes and accomplishments of Manual. The gym is loud and has a fun atmosphere to play in.

2. Musgrove Fieldhouse - Sterling HS
This is one of the most beautiful gyms I’ve ever been in. It creates a huge home court advantage for Sterling and the brick walls just make it all the cooler.

3. Chuck Dayton Gym - DeKalb HS
This gym has amazing lighting and the video boards are top tier. The barbed wire around the floor is also a very cool tie to the city’s history.

4. Orr Academy Gymnasium - Chicago Orr HS
This is a small gym with a ton of history in it. The gym setup is very cool and gives it feel that you cannot find anywhere else and I love how the fans are setup around the court.

5. Roy S. Anderson Gym - Lincoln HS
This gym is great to play in because it is almost identical to Thiel Gym.

Kelsi Legge

1. Maine south
2. Sterling
3. Ottawa
4. Mattoon
5. Lincoln (because it’s the same as GHS)

Wish I could put more conference teams on here but it’s hard when the girls have been shoved into smaller, lesser gyms than the boys.

Mark Harden, Jr.

Quincy, Moline, Rock Island, UT
Nothing beats a conference game. When I played, these gyms were always packed. It was nice to see how supportive other citie’s communities were.

Rockford East
My senior year we played Rockford East. Their gym was on the second floor of their school. It was a cool experience and a different atmosphere. 

Andie Allison-Leibach

#5 - Rock Island Alleman - They always had great student sections and games were always very competitive. It was difficult to hear our bench from the across the court, so on-court communication was always so key to winning.

#4 - Wharton Fieldhouse - mainly because there was nothing like beating Moline on that court and angering their fans!

#3 - Chicago Maria - less about the gym and more about the fact that it meant the experience of a road trip with teammates and the fun of a Bulls game!

#2 - Maine West - Summer league tournament. There were lots of games and teams from all over. It meant summer basketball, team bonding and giant water jugs.

#1 - Redbird Arena - both as a fan and a player, Redbird was the ultimate experience. I will never forget taking the floor at the state tournament, and the crowds that Galesburg brought for each state run!

Sara Wood

Wharton Field House - Moline
Chicago Maria
Illinois State University. 
But Thiel by far is the best gym.

Molly Watson-Fourdyce

I agree with Woody - Thiel is hands down the best gym environment for a HS basketball game! I have never experienced a better atmosphere.  I don't have any favorite places to play but I do have memorable games we played away from home because the Streaks fans traveled well and showed up to support us!

Ottawa - vs. Freeport
Wharton Field House - vs. Rocky, Sectional game my senior year
DeKalb HS- Belvidere Super sectional game my senior year
Red Bird Arena - incredible atmosphere!

Jenna Bicego

1 - Michigan Camp - By the time I arrived, we had a reputation, and the intensity mixed with the exhaustive humidity all while being dwarfed by tours of the Big House (which I now find repulsive) was unmatched.  Plus, I love Amtrak.

2 - North Carolina Camp - we were the small out of state team coming in off of a 20+ hour bus trip and showed up to win in MJ’s house.

3 - Red Bird - Duh.

4 - Alleman - the hatred ran deep on both sides and the crowd was on top of us. The atmosphere was charged.

5 - Wharton Field House - felt like playing in a movie.  Plus, our crowd showed up to help overcome external factors - refs, leaky roofs, etc.

Antonia Kisler

I think my favorite place to play other than Thiel gym was the Mackey Arena at Purdue because it was so cool to be playing that big of an arena and knowing that really good players have played there. It was such a great experience. I enjoyed playing at UT this past year because of the memory our team made. That was Coach Massey’s 1000 career win! Thiel gym is the best place to play in our conference and overall in my opinion.

Mark Massey

1- Clinton's Yourd Gymnasium. One of the last of the old school gyms around this part of the Midwest seats somewhere around 3000 to 4000. I think 4000 before they did some remodeling. I think the most we ever had was maybe 1100 in there for volleyball match. A great competition facility for basketball or volleyball.

2 - Moline Wharton Fieldhouse: grew up, watching some sectional basketball games there, lucky enough to play in some volleyball tournaments there in the 90s. There might be bigger gyms in the Midwest. I don’t know if there’s anything better than Wharton. 

3- George Marshall Gym, Davenport Central: we won some big matches there. I believe that it dates from the 1930s, it’s one of the old style gyms with a few seats around the court and large balconies that come down pretty close to the court. Another great competition gym. 

4- Nora Gymnasium, Dubuque Senior high school: how many gyms in the Midwest had Johnny Orr coach in them and a Heisman trophy in the trophy case? Only one. A great competition gym. Played quite a few matches there over the years. 

5- Des Moines Dowling High School: for several years, Des Moines Dowling was the site of the state volleyball tournament. We played their two different years, and took second one of them. Relatively new gym, probably built in the 70s. Nothing spectacular except Caitlin Clark played there. 

** extra mention the old gymnasium at New Trier High School. 

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