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Sunday, October 13, 2024

Mark Harden Jr- New GHS Freshman Coach

Mark Harden Jr. has been an outstanding JH coach and Freshman Boys Coach for the last several years. He is willing to invest hours to help young players to grow and improve as players. Mark has shown the ability to pick out the important details needed in skill development. It is exciting that not only is he the 8th Grade Girls Coach this year, but he will also be the Freshman Girls Coach this winter. It will be exciting to see what he adds to the Girls Basketball Program. 

Massey- How did you get involved in basketball?

Coach Harden- I have had a basketball in my hand since I was 3 years old and have loved the game ever since! I played in my first league when I was in 2nd grade at the YMCA. The basketball court has always been where I felt most comfortable and relaxed. I went to Lombard Middle School and had two great basketball seasons in 7th and 8th grade, where I was able to hone my skills more and become a better leader. I will never forget the Lombard vs.Churchill game! It was an amazing event, a competitive rivalry that brought the town of Galesburg together. 

- As a HS player, you experienced adversity being injured, how did that impact you?

Coach Harden- As I went on to high school, I learned much about the game being sidelined. I tore my A.C.L right before my sophomore season. Sitting out that year allowed me to become even more of a leader, while also seeing the game from a different lense. My junior year I came back and was able to play. My senior year I started every game and made many memories playing the game I was passionate about. I went on to North Central College to play where I learned a lot about myself as a person, a player, and started enhancing my ideas of the game as a potential future coach.

- You have a strong family, and have even been able to coach alongside your father. What role has family played in your career?

Coach Harden- I would not be the coach I am without the support of my family. My dad and I have been helping assist each other for the past 3 years for boys basketball. My brother has played basketball all of his life and is currently playing at St. Ambrose University. I am able to talk X’s and O’s with them quite often. My dad has also coached for many years, so he often gives me advice. My mom and my sister are my biggest supporters. They never miss a game. If there is a reason they can’t make a game, I can always count on a message from each of them asking how the game went before it’s even ended! We push each other to be the best version of ourselves we can be and it has made me the coach I am today.

- I am biased but I think you had a great HS coach with Coach Reynolds. What are your takeaways from that experience?

Coach Harden- My high school coach, Mike Reynolds, taught and enforced many valuable things about the game of basketball. My biggest take away from him was the expectations he set for his teams. He held them to it, while making it the team's identity. Coach Reynolds always preached rebounding, defense, playing extremely hard, and being TOUGH! He wanted to make sure no matter who watched us play, they would leave the game saying this team definitely does those four things. These 4 things are half the battle. When someone was not doing these things, he would make sure to stop and address them. That was very rare because us players would always accomplish this. We knew what Coach Reynolds' expectations were and he made us want to play hard for him, while also making us want to go out there and show our brand of basketball!

Massey- When I have watched you, you always seem so enthusiastic and bring so much energy. Your passion seems to be working with players on skill development. What are some of the specific skills you try to work on?

Coach Harden- I have been working with many young players for a long time whether it is practice, camps, or individual training sessions. Basketball has changed as the decades have passed. In my opinion, the first skill kids need to work on is dribbling. Today, everyone handles the ball from your point guards to your centers. You will see players 5 foot tall to 7 foot tall handling the ball. The second skill I would say is shooting the basketball. Form shooting is important at any level to gain your touch. When your 7 foot player is driving the basketball, everyone else has to be shot ready when the ball is passed out. Third, different finishes at the rim are important so you always have a counter to what the defense is doing. Fourth, I would say footwork is extremely important. Whether it is driving the ball from a triple threat position, footwork into shots, or pivoting; getting footwork down makes you harder to guard.

- I have always been impressed with how well you related to players. You seem to develop a positive relationship with both males and females, and with players who are in JH on up to seniors in HS. How do you try to help them develop mentally?

Coach Harden- When it comes to the mental part of the game, young players need to understand that it is okay to mess up. It is inevitable. Yes we do want to limit our mistakes to as little as possible, but getting upset and being “in your own head” will only make you commit more mistakes. It is not about the mistake, it is about how you bounce back from it. I believe young players also need to work on their I.Q. of the game. They need to understand why things happened and try to break things down for themselves. You can increase your I.Q. by simply watching basketball, whether that’s in person or on tv. I always tell my players that you can learn from watching basketball no matter what age level.

- You have coached both males and females with equal success. Do you see a difference working with males and females?

Coach Harden- I don't see much of a difference between girls and boys basketball. They are different in the aspect that SOMETIMES boys are very aggressive often to a point where it can seem selfish. On the other hand, girls can SOMETIMES be so unselfish to a fault, where they will continue running the play even if they are wide open underneath the basket with the ball in their hands.There has to be a middle ground between the two and that’s what we work towards. I want all 5 players on the floor to be aggressive, but also know when to pass. I don’t feel I need to coach boys differently from girls or vice versa. I believe each specific player is different and you have to find a way to reach them individually to help them learn what you are trying to teach.

Massey- What do you hope your players say about you and about their experience when they are done playing for you?

Coach Harden- I hope my players will say that I cared equally about every single player no matter if it was inside or outside of basketball. I want them to say that I made things fun while also teaching them the game. I want each of them to look back and say that they enjoyed playing for me. 

- You are with Coach Noonan trying to build the Advanced PE program. I know you are working hard to sell the players on the importance of lifting year 'round, and have done a lot of research to put together a strength program that someday may be used by all the sports. What are your thoughts on where you are right now with Advanced PE?

Coach Harden- Advanced PE has been very beneficial for our athletes. They are able to get their workout done during school and focus on becoming a better athlete personally and for their respective sports. Coach Noonan does an amazing job of running the class and explaining to the athletes the why behind everything. The students are buying in and it has been showing in the numbers for strength, speed, and vertical! With students from different sports working out together, they have been able to build a closer bond. Students are going to more sporting events to support each other. Advanced PE is helping build a positive culture here and I'm happy to be a part of it!

Massey- You have known Coach Demott for years, and you got to work with and for her this summer and this fall. How excited are you to be on her HS staff?

Coach Harden- I have known Coach Demott since we were 7 years old. I know her character and knew she would be a great person for the job! She has impressed me with all she has been doing to build up the girls program. She is not solely focused on just the varsity team. She has thought of ways to help improve junior high basketball as well as future streaks. She genuinely cares about each kid! I’m excited to see where she takes Galesburg girls basketball! 

- Coach Harden has worked with Coach Noonan for several years in the PE department. I have been so impressed with what they are doing for the athletes in PE, and how well they work together. I reached out to Coach Noonan for some feedback about Coach Harden.

Massey- You have worked with Coach Harden for several years, and had an opportunity to watch him work with young people. How exciting is it to get him into the girls basketball program?

Coach NoonanI’m super excited about Coach Harden joining the High school Girls basketball program.  He brings so much to the table as both a person and a coach.  He is as sincere in his love of teaching basketball as anyone I’ve been around, and the students at GHS love him.  His personality allows him to create an environment where the kids embrace challenges, hard work and being great teammates; all while having a lot of fun with each other along the way.  Coach Harden is an absolute basketball junkie with an extremely bright future ahead. We’re very lucky to have him in the program!

- Coach Demott, I know you have expressed how happy you were with Coach Harden's work this summer, and this fall with the JH team. What do you feel he will bring to the position as Freshman coach?

Coach Demott- I am excited for what MJ will bring to the program. MJ has a knack for teaching the fundamentals of basketball. He will help grow the freshman team to be fundamentally sound. MJ does a great job of explaining and teaching in the moment. MJ's enthusiasm for wanting to grow, his work ethic, and wanting to be successful will make him a great fit for our program. I am excited to see the success he has as the freshman coach. 

Massey- Besides coaching the Freshman team, what are other ways you hope to use him in the program?

Coach Demott- The plan for MJ is to do skill work with freshmen and sophomore players, as well as coming over to the Varsity to work whole group skills with the athletes. MJ will also be a part of helping us watch film as well as being around during our Christmas tournament, Dekalb trip, and post season. We are excited to have MJ officially a part of our High School staff! 


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