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Thursday, April 30, 2020

David Klockenga Looks Back

I have run into David Klockenga a couple times in the last five years at a Drake men’s basketball game. It was always good to see him, even if for a short time. I reached out to David to see if he would be willing to talk about his days covering the Streaks girls basketball team for WAIK. It turns out his memory is better than mine, it is great reading his thoughts and memories.

David covered Streaks basketball for fifteen years, and during a very exciting time from 1993 thru 2007. Consider some of the following stats from the 15 years he broadcasted:

Tuesday, April 28, 2020

Lauren- Changed Plans This Spring

Lauren had a great year as a freshman. She played regularly for Coach Barshinger on the freshman team, and practiced with the varsity. We had just started to rotate her in with the first team in practice, and hoped to start bringing her off the bench in varsity games. Unfortunately, just as this was taking place, she tore her ACL in a freshmen game and was out for the season.

As a sophomore, Lauren was the first off the bench for the varsity. She had a good year but it was up and down season for her. The work and the experience of playing and practicing with the varsity as a role player paid off for her as a senior. Lauren had a great year. She started out slow but worked herself into basketball shape, and was a force for us.

Sunday, April 26, 2020

"Is Great Worth It"

Anyone who is serious about being a champion should listen to this 2 minute talk by Doc Rivers. "The whole team has to make a choice: Is great worth it?"

Anyone who wants to be a champion, should listen to this 2 minute talk by Doc Rivers. "The whole team has to make a choice: Is great worth it?"

Woody, Thiel, and the 1968 Streaks

I did not grow up in Galesburg but my mother was from Galesburg, and my grandparents still lived in Galesburg throughout the 1950’s and 1960’s. My grandparents sent me clipping of Streaks boys basketball. They never missed a game, tuning into WGIL for the games. My cousin, Chauncey Kenney taught at GHS, so we usually managed to get tickets to a game or two in a soldout gym.

I grew up a Streaks fan, hearing my grandparents rave about the Kimbrough’s. Watching the State games, including the agonizing loss to Cobden and then the exciting years of Dale Kelly and the ’66 Streaks.

Saturday, April 25, 2020

"It's raining, I can't do anything."

We can't lift but we can still get stronger.
“It’s raining, I can’t do anything.”
There are a ton of things you can do to make yourself a better athlete, and a better basketball player in your garage, in your basement, or in your room.

“It’s raining, I can’t go to the weight room.”
A critical thing for athletes is to work on maintaining and building strength. You can’t get to the weight room but you can do body weight exercises. Players MUST be doing body weight strength exercises 5-6 days per week. They will only take 15 minutes.

Here is an at home strength program:

Here is a series of at home ACL jump exercises which will help reduce risk of ACL injury but also increase vertical jump:

Wednesday, April 22, 2020

Audree- Dealing with Stay At Home

Audree had a good year for us this past year. She got better and better as the season went on. She finished the season shooting 62.4% from the field, which is the 5th best in GHS history.

Audree has some basketball people in her family. Her grandfather, David was boys basketball coach at GHS and then at Knox College. Her father, Ryan was one of our all-time top practice players. And her mother, Jenny was captain of our 1999 2nd in State team. In her interview, it is nice to see the respect she has for her family.

It is tough for players now. As students, their course would has changed dramatically. With basketball, there are no open gyms and no access to the weight room. There is no scrimmaging, running, sweating, and getting tired. So it is a time where as students and as athletes, players have to have the self-discipline to push themselves and to make themselves better. Audree is someone who we think can have a big year next year, so we are hoping she wears the net out in her driveway!

Sunday, April 19, 2020

Molly Watson- Mom & Coach

Molly Watson is the most famous player to play for Galesburg. Everyone in town knew who she was, and she was every little girls favorite player. In junior high and high school, all the girls wanted to be #14. She led teams to Sweet 16, 3rd in State, and 4th in State. Her senior year, the Streaks were undefeated in the regular season and ranked #1 in Illinois in a two class system. I would challenge anyone to find a male or female high school player who had more impact on her teams and on her community. 

She went onto play at DePaul and then professionally overseas. Molly has since be selected into GHS Hall of Fame, and the IBCA Hall of Fame. 

She could score, she could pass, and she could defend. On the fast break teammates had to be ready because she might whip a behind the back pass at anytime. She could do it all!!
 Today she is continuing to do it all. She is a mom, a teacher, and a coach. I am so excited to see her insights into balancing parenting and coaching. And she offers terrific thoughts to our present Streaks about handling the “stay at home.”  

Wednesday, April 15, 2020

Player Development

Principle #1- Off-Season Work Determines In-Season Success
The famous coach’s line, “Teams are made in-season, and players are made in the off-season.  I once heard a coach in a clinic talk about a player who came to them in January and asked what they could do to become a good FT shooter. The coach said that his thought was, “Go back to last May and start shooting 100 ft’s a day.”

Principle #2- With Basketball You Can Work By Yourself
Basketball is unique in that you can do ball handling in your basement, or if you have a hoop in the driveway, you can shoot by yourself. As a result, basketball rewards players with good work ethics.

Saturday, April 11, 2020

Thom Sigel- Coach of the "Face Painters"

Years ago, when my son was only 3, he and I took a father-son trip to watch Galesburg play at Rock Island in football. We went out for pizza before, and then headed to the game- a real guys’ night. Every time Rocky scored, they shot off a cannon. It was loud and it scared Allen. The problem was Rock Island scored and scored and scored. By the middle of the second quarter, Allen was a nervous wreck. We headed home early with little Allen expressing his dislike of Rock Island.

The same winter, Allen and I headed to the Rock Island boys basketball game at Thiel Gym. On the way in he expressed how he had hated going to Rock Island. I assured him that Rocky would not have brought the cannon down to Galesburg. As we walked into the gym, right in front of us, were a dozen RI students with face paint. They were big and they were loud. Allen was not happy. He turned to me and said, “I don’t like Rock Island, and I don’t like the ‘face painters.” All the way through high school, Allen referred to Rocky as “the face painters”, and maintained a dislike for them.

Coaching at Galesburg, I am not a fan of the “face painters” either. But having known Thom Sigel for 30 years, I am a fan of his. Thom has won two State Titles since he left Galesburg, and has had tremendous success.

Wednesday, April 8, 2020

Mark Makeever- Parent Instilling Work Ethic as a Skill

Mark Makeever is a Galesburg High graduate of 1980. While at GHS, his senior year, he emerged as a great basketball player. He went onto Parkland JC, where he was JC All-State. He finished his basketball career at Panhandle State, where the team was nationally ranked, and Mark was All-District.

Mark went onto coach both boys and girls high school basketball in Oklahoma and Texas. His teams have gone 531-218, and had numerous state appearances.

Tuesday, April 7, 2020

200 Pounds Dribbling

200 Pounds Dribble Race
  • Time how long it takes to go thru the dribble series.
  • 1- 25 Right Hand Pounds at Your Ankle
  • 2- 25 Left Hand Pounds at Your Ankle
  • 3- 25 Right Hand Pounds at Your Waist
  • 4- 25 Left Hand Pounds at Your Waist
  • 5- 25 Right Hand Pounds, Crossover, Re-Crossover- (Repeat- Pound, Crossover, Re-Crossover)
  • 6- 25 Left Hand Pounds, Crossover, Re-Crossover- (Repeat- Pound, Crossover, Re-Crossover)
  • 7- 25 Right Hand Pounds, Between Legs, Crossover- (Repeat- Pound, Between Legs, Crossover)
  • 8- 25 Left Hand Pounds, Between Legs, Crossover- (Repeat- Pound, Between Legs, Crossover)

Daniel's Shooting

Lexi Daniel’s Partner Shoot
150 Shots

1-   Form Shooting
a.    Shoot 5 from 7 feet
b.    Shoot 5 from 10 feet

2-   Around the Horn- 12-15 foot shots
a.    Move in a circle around from baseline to baseline
b.    Each time you shoot, move to new spot.
c.    Try to shoot on the move.
d.    After shoot 50 shots, shoot 25 free throws

3-   Around the Horn- 15 feet- Threes (Choose Distance)
a.    Move in a circle around from baseline to baseline
b.    Each time you shoot, move to new spot.
c.    After shoot 50 shots, shoot 25 free throws

Note- With this routine, you can get a family member to rebound. Or shoot, rebound, toss it out, run to spot- repeat. 

Dribble Workouts

Dribble Workout

1-    Two Ball Dribbling- Stationary
a.     Same time- waist height- 25
b.     Alternate- waist height- 25
c.      Same time- below your knees- 25
d.     Alternate- below your knees- 25
e.     Same time- shoulder height- 25
f.      Behind back- 25
g.     Between legs- 25
h.     Free Throws- 10

2-    Two Ball Dribbling- Full Court
a.     Same time- waist height- down & back
b.     Same time- below knee- down & back
c.      Alternate-  waist height- down & back
d.     Alternate- below waist- down & back
e.     Crossovers- down & back
f.      Behind back- down & back
g.     Free Throws- 10

3-    Layups from Half-Court (One Ball)- Start at half-court. Make dribble move at top of key. After score- come back to half court- make same dribble move at top of key.
a.     Strong hand
b.     Weak hand
c.      Strong hand- hesitation
d.     Weak hand- hesitation
e.     Right to left crossover
f.      Left to right crossover
g.     Right to left behind back
h.     Left to right behind back
i.       Right to left between legs
j.       Left to right between legs
k.     Free Throws- 10

Alford Shooting

Alford Shooting Workout
One Person

Shooting Routine
*  Shoot- Pick a particular shot and particular spot to shoot 20 times.
*  Run to get their rebound
*  Toss the Ball out to a spot
*  Run out and get the tossed ball like they are receiving a pass
*  Shoot again.

100 Shot Workout
* 4 sets of 15 shots, follow each set with 10 ft’s.
* Takes 15-20 minutes

150 Shot Workout
* 5 sets of 20 shots, follow each set with 10 ft’s.
* Takes 25-30 minutes

200 Shot Workout
* 7 sets of 20 shots, follow each set with 10 ft’s.
* Takes 25-30 minutes

250 Shot Workout
* 8 sets of 20 shots, follow each set with 10 ft’s (finish w/ 20 ft’s)
* Takes 45-60 minutes

Possible Shooting Options
*  Toss out and shooting with no dribble.
*  Toss out, shoot off the dribble going to your right.
*  Toss out, shoot off the dribble going to your left
*  Toss out and make shot fake and dribble.
*  Toss out and shot fake and drive to the basket for either layups or short jumpers.
*  Low Post Shooting- toss out, alternating to each block
            A. Drop Layup,  B. Turnaround J., C. Up/Under Move, D. Baby Hook into the lane
* High post Shooting- toss out to the elbows
            A. Catch/Shoot, B. Catch/Drive, C. Catch/Shot Fake/Drive
*  Toss out and three point shooting
* Mikan Layups
* Toss Out- Drive & Finish

* With the above shooting options, players may pick out different spots to shoot from- for example doing some of the workout from the right wing, some from the left wing, some from the high post, some from the help shooting spot, etc.

Free Throw Shooting

Free Throw Shooting

·      It can be done in your driveway.
·      You don’t need anyone else.
·      FT line is 15 feet from the backboard.
·      Shoot 100 per day.
·      If you are bored, shoot 200 per day.
·      If you are really bored, shoot 300 per day.
·      Record your makes and attempts.

Home Strength Program

Home Strength Training Workout
·      10 pushups
·      10 squat jumps
·      Front Plank- 10 swims with each arm
·      10 Pushups
·      10 Lunges
·      Side Planks (each side) 10 hip touches

Repeat these 6 exercises 3 times

At Home Conditioning

Conditioning Ideas

Timed ½ Mile
·      Timed ½ Mile- measure with car (or just calculate a distance that takes about 3 minutes to run, then time to see if can do it faster)
·      It does not have to be an exact distance.
·      Run the same distance and time yourself to see improvement.

Timed ½ Mile
·      Timed Mile- measure with car (or just calculate a distance that takes about 7:00 minutes to run, then time to see if can do it faster)
·      It does not have to be an exact distance.
·      Run the same distance and time yourself to see improvement.

·      Figure distance that takes about 15-20 seconds to sprint.
·      Then sprint it, rest then repeat. Do this 6-8 times.
·      Run a sprint every minute.

8 x 8 Shooting Challenge

8 X 8 Timed Challenge
8 X 8- Timed (Time Yourself)
·      8 Mikan- makes
·      8 Right Block- makes
·      8 Right VB line- makes
·      8 Right Elbows- makes
·      8 Left Elbows- makes
·      8 Left VB lines- makes
·      8 Left Block- makes
·      8 Mikan- makes

Streaks Ball Handling- 5 Minutes

Streaks 5 Minute Ballhandling Routine

Ball Handling
10      Ball Slaps
5       Up/Down on Finger Tips
5       Around Head        (Reverse & 5 More)
5       Around Waist       (Reverse & 5 More)
5       Around Both Legs (Reverse & 5 More)
5       Around One Leg   (Reverse & 5 More)        (Repeat on Other Leg)
5       Figure 8’s             (Reverse & 5 More)
5       One    Leg then Two Legs (Reverse & 5 More)

20      Low Dribbles        (Repeat with other hand)
10      Pounds at Waist    (Repeat with other hand)
5       Around 1 Leg w/ 1 Hand (Reverse & 5 More)     (Repeat w/ Other Hand)
5       Figure 8’s             (Reverse & 5 More)
5       Windshield Wipers (Repeat w/ Other Hand)
5       Walk the Dog       (Repeat w/ Other Hand)
5       Combo of Walk Dog, Winshield Wipers   (Repeat w/ Other Hand)
10      Crossovers
10      Between Legs       (Repeat other direction)
10      Figure 8’s
10      Behind Back
10      Between Legs then Crossover   (Repeat other direction)
10      Between Legs the Behind Back (Repeat other direction)

You can look this routine up on by looking on YouTube for:
How To: Improve Your Ball Handling- Daily 5 Minute Dribbling Routine- Pro Training

Celtic Shooting

Celtic Shooting
5 spots- Make 2 per Spot
·      Shoot from 5 spots around the perimeter
·      Right corner, Right wing, Out front, Left wing, Left corner.
·      Choose distance you want to shoot
·      Time yourself- 2 minutes
·      You will need a rebounder
·      You must make 2 shots to move from a spot.
·      When you have made at each spot, then go to the top of the key. Keep shooting until the two minutes are up.
·      The number of shots you make at the top of the key at the end is your score.

Streaks 200 Shots Workout

Streaks 200 Shot Workout

Mikan Layups                       20 total- Shoot 10 on Each Side

Inside Shots                          20 total- Shoot 10 on Each Side- choose either
                                                Low post, drop step and finish, or
                                                Circle Layups

Form Shooting                     20 total- Shoot 10 from 6-8 feet
                                                            Then shoot 10 from 12-15 feet

Elbow Shots                          20 total- Shoot 20 from about 15-17 feet

Free Throws                         10 total

Wing Shots                           20 total- Shoot 20 from 15-17 feet

Free Throws                         10 total

Finishing                                Shoot 20- Toss the ball out, face up drive & finish
                                                            Use different finishes at the basket.

Free Throws                         10 total

Shot Off the Dribble           Shoot 20- Toss out, take 1-2 dribbles and shoot

Free Throws                         10 total

Range                                                Shoot 20- Work on shots that help stretch your range
                                                (It should be a distance where you can make
50% unguarded)

·      Shoot, rebound, toss ball back out to spot, run to spot- repeat again.
·      This workout will take about 40 minutes.