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Sunday, September 22, 2024

Strategy- Fever Offense

This is some simple things the Fever run at the end of transition. 

#0= Mitchell

#1= Smith

#7= Boston

#10= Hull

#22= Clark

Diagram A shows the Drag Action the Fever often use at the end of transition. If Clark goes right, she is looking to drive. If going left, she wants to step back for the three. Most often teams will blitz her with the post defender as she comes off the screen. Early in the year, Clark had trouble getting the ball out of this double. Now it is a productive play to get the ball to Boston on the short roll. 

Diagram AA shows what most happens at the end of the Drag action. Boston has the right side cleared out. She can take the 15 foot jump shot, or she can drive to try to get a layup or to draw #1’s or #0’s defenders.

Early in the year Boston tended to want to roll all the way to the basket. Now she makes really good choices. Because of the double on Clark when she comes off the screen, Boston usually is in a 4 on 3 situation when she get the ball. Most often she gets an open 15 foot shot. 

Diagram B show that they will also get into a similar short roll situation with pass, cut, and handoff for Clark. Instead of dribbling off, Clark is cutting off. They then make the same reads on the handoff to most often look for Boston on the short roll.

Diagram C shows when the defense jumps to defend Clark on the handoff. Boston simply fakes the handoff and attacks the basket. Again she has read of layup or draw and kick with #1 or #0. The defense usually does not want to leave Mitchell so Boston gets a drive to the basket.

Diagram D shows that Clark cuts off Boston and Boston keeps the ball. She does not drive to basket but dribbles at Mitchell on the wing. Mitchell fakes coming up for dribble handoff, plants, and goes backdoor. They get this backdoor several times each game. 

Diagram E shows Mitchell continues up instead of going backdoor. Mitchell gets the handoff. Usually here if Mitchell does not have a shot, it is because of a switch so Boston will roll and have a mismatch.

This entire series is not something that they have to call all the options. As they start the action, the players read each other and make the appropriate cuts. The Drag action is setting up Clark as possible shooter or passer to Boston. The rest of the actions are really using Clark as a decoy and having Boston and Mitchell create off of a 2 on 2 action. 

This action is used over and over by the Fever. It is successful because the defense will jump Clark, and Boston then has become such a good decision maker with the ball. And with Hull and Mitchell there are two very good shooters who cannot be left alone. 

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