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Wednesday, August 7, 2024

Our Nominee for Vice President- Selecting Past or Present GHS Teacher

The Democratic party has tabbed former social studies teacher and former football coach- Tim Walz to their nominee for VP. It got me to thinking, what past or present GHS teacher would people nominate for VP. 

Mr. Schaafsma or Mrs. Foster For VP  
Mr. Schaafsma taught my sociology class and he was my teacher in advocacy as well, so I spent a lot of time with him. He was a great teacher and articulated big topics in a digestible ways- giving space for students to grow and learn. He was personable, kind, and funny. He would make a great VP because he was logical and level headed.
Mrs. Fosterwould be a great VP because she is so genuine and kind-hearted. She's level headed as well, and wold be able to look at things objectively. She's patient and rational and a great listener. 
    (Kaylee Miller, '20)

Hal Devore For VP
Mr. Devore- He team taught my American Studies class. He was a great teacher/communicator. He was a true "team player", co-teaching with Mr. Patterson. Mr. Devore had great leadership skills and had a great ability to connect with people. He would have been great in the VP role. 
    (Scott Kelley, '76)

Mr. Kessler For VP 
He was a smart fella with a calm but "take care of business" persona. My calculus classmates and I respected and like him.  
    (Sean Hanlon, '95) 

Bill Allison For VP
Bill Allison for sure!  
    (Jess Howard, '11)

Mr. Schaafsma For VP
Mr. Schaafsma would make a good VP pick. He already has a leg up since he teaches civics/economics, and he was really good at presenting both sides of current event issues. I also think he'd be unbeatable in a debate (especially against Vance).  He always had a good, witty anecdote about nearly everything which I think would work really well if he was a politician.  
    (Tommy King, '15)

Mrs. Qualls For VP
I would choose Mrs. Qualls to be VP.  
    (Maddy Ross, '15)

Hal Devore, Gayle Stewart, or Chris Dokolasa For VP
Either Hal Devore, Gayle Stewart, or Chris Dokolasa. High likeability, intelligent, and volunteered. Rarely heard anyone say anything negative about them.  
    (Sara Wood, '96)

Mr. Hickey For VP
If I were to select a teacher at GHS for VP, I would choose  Mr. Hickey. Not only is he eloquent and clear when he speaks, but being a history teacher gives him a head up on some political policies and means he knows how important it is to not repeat our mistakes. Having a teacher as VP will also help us understand the importance of unions and our youth for our collective future. It's also interesting to note that both Hickey and Walz are social studies teachers and football coaches!  
    (Juniper Schwartzman, '23)

Coach Peachey For VP
Coach Peachey would be a fantastic VP candidate. The best hype man around, yet grounded in faith. Outside of the coaching staff, Miss Clay would be a wonderful candidate too. She could always find a way to get even the most reluctant to participate in class and work together as a team!  
    (Amanda Gunther, '03)

John Glasnovich For VP
I would go with John Glasnovich because he was very well informed politically, was a hard worker, and was a man that stuck to what he believed in. He also was not afraid to speak out when he thought something was wrong. Plus he gave me an A in student teaching.  
    (Reed Allison, '96)

Brett Wolfe For VP
Brett Wolfe- I can't think of anyone who doesn't like him, so he would boost popularity immediately. Given his history background and the subjects he has taught, I trust his knowledge of our political system and its workings.  
    (Andrew Thomas, '19)

Hal Devore For VP
Hal Devore- He taught civics, so obviously he had a understanding of how the US government works (or is supposed to work). He had a passion for doing the "right' thing, but was easy going enough that he could get along with everyone. He was able to provide correction in a firm but kind manner.  
    (Amy Allen Massey, '76)

Sally Rynott For VP
While she was not my teacher (I never would have survived), I would nominate long time band director, Sally Rynott. She was meticulous, disciplined, and tough. She put up with no BS, just what America needs.  
    (Brett Wolfe, '85) 

Hal Devore For VP
Of the teachers I worked with, I would say Hall Devore. He was great in the classroom and started a curriculum called American Studies. He also was a very good coach, and active in the community. 
    (Bill Allison) 

Mick Hickey for VP
Many of my teachers would have made a great VP, one who would fit the bill would be Mick Hickey. He had many redeeming characteristics that a VP should have- he was fair, personable, and high intergrity. He was not afraid to tell the truth. I feel the country would welcome these qualities. What's most impressive is that those qualities still hold true to this day. 
    (Nick Young, '99)

Brad Bennewitz for VP
I never had this person as a teacher, but if I were to pick a staff member at the HS who was there when I was there as a student and also as a colleague now, it would be Brad Bennewitz. I admire how he teaches and makes connections with the students. I believe that he runs a great classroom that is fun to be in and the students are exposed to meaningful academics and life skills. I also think that his professionalism and public speaking ability would make him a great candidate. 
    (Chad Thompson)

Ms. Qualls for VP
I think Ms. Qualls wold be a good candidate to run for VP. She has good values and cares for everyone. 
    (Antonia Kisler, '24)

Bruce Spencer for VP
Bruce Spencer, science teacher.
    (Steve Bryant)

Velma Denny for VP
My choice wold be Velma Denny. In 1967-8 when I had Miss Denny, Vietnam was a hot button topic. It was no secret how Miss Denny felt about our country's involvement but she encouraged a free wheeling exchange of ideas, was respectful of the views of everyone, and made sure her students were too. She was knowledgeable, diplomatic, and a great communicator, which we all would love to see in our politicians.
    (Joyce Tucker Allison, '68)

Mr. Schaafsma for VP
He was very knowledgeable about history and the past. He also had the ability to have conversations that were difficult, but always stay level headed. 
    (Lexi Daniels Demott, '16)

Mr. Hickey for VP
He would be a great pick for VP. He is trustworthy and honest. He also can relate to different types of people. He is a genuinely good person who puts others before himself. 
    (Mark Harden Jr)

Tami Qualls For VP
Tami Qualls would be my choice for VP. 
    (Shawn Hickey, '96)

Steve Peachey For VP
Easy. Steve Peachey. I think he would have the right temperament. He'd work both sides of the aisle. Likable and related with everyone. He'd have my vote.
    (Don O'Brien, Prom King, '89)

Coach Massey for VP
The one and only, Coach Massey.  
    (Alexis Edgerson, '24)

Alexis Edgerson For VP
Obviously Alexis has shown she is really, really intelligent. She would be my pick for VP.
    (Evan Massey)

Hal Devore for President
I agree with all of the people who nominated Hal Devore for VP. While I agree with the assessment of his wisdom, his intelligence, and his leadership-- my vote would be for him for President, not VP!!
    (Evan Massey)

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