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Thursday, August 22, 2024

Humility- Quality Needed by Players, Coaches, and Teams

I believe the foundation of greatness in sports lies in humility. Many may disagree and view humility as being almost a trait of weakness. Those people might prefer an athlete is cocky and arrogant vs being humble. 

Dick Bennett, who was a coaching legend in the State of Wisconsin developed five pillars for his programs. His son, Tony has taken the same concepts to the University of Virginia. (At the end of this article I have put links to several things on Bennett's program.) At the foundation of their programs is humility. 

Today in sports, we talk about building culture. I believe strongly that in sports and in life, humility is fundamental requirement for success. I believe if humility is at the core of a team's values, it helps the team in six distinctive areas. And I might add, I think this is true in all areas of our lives- not just sports. 

- Humility allows us to recognize the need to grow. With humility, we have self-awareness to know our strengths and weaknesses. All great teams and all great players need to have a drive to improve. Players with humility see the need to improve and to grow.

For coaches, humility is the trait that pushes them to improve. Instead of being satisfied with the same offense, same drills, same communication methods- coaches need to recognize they can improve. 

Confucious- "Humility is the solid foundation of all virtues."

- Not only does humility allow players to accept the need to grow, humility allows players to recognize they cannot do it alone. Players recognize the need and the importance of coaching. Players who lack humility view a coach's criticism as "being pick on." Players with humility want to be coached.

For coaches, humility pushes them to see the value in going to clinics, watching videos, and reading material on their craft. They want to be "coached" to become a better coach. 

Proverbs 12:15- "The wise listen to advice."

- Part of the humble player recognizing the need for improvement is to also recognize that they cannot reach their goals alone. To be successful in becoming who they think they can become as a player- they need their team. The humble player believes in their teammates. Humility allows players to be thankful for their team.

For coaches- humility helps them recognize their assistants and their players may have ideas that will help them improve their team. 

Phillippians 2:3- "In humility value others above yourself."

- Humility allows a player to be aware of who they are as a player. A humble player doesn't have "false humility." The saying goes, "Don't be so humble that you are not that good." Humility is the honesty and openness to recognize both your weaknesses and your strengths. The humble player knows themselves so they know how they can help their team, and how they can't help their team. The humble team knows their identity as a team- to succeed we must play this way. 

For coaches- humility helps them to analyze practices and games with a critical eye to what the things they could have done better as a coach. 

Tony Bennett- "Humility allows us to know who we are, play to our identity."

- To succeed, athletes must be confident but not arrogant. A great quote on confidence vs arrogance, and the impact humility has on these two attitudes comes from the National Black MBA Association: "Confidence is rooted in a genuine sense of self-worth that's not dependent on external validation. Arrogance manifests as an inflated sense of self-importance and superiority. Arrogant individuals often exaggerate their abilities. Arrogance blinds individuals to the values of others. There is a fine line between confidence and arrogance, it's called humility. 

For coaches- humility helps the coach have a confidence that effects the entire team. The coach is confident and the players are likely to be confident. 

National Black MBA Association- "The confident are self-aware, the arrogant are not aware."

- Ultimately humility allows us to be successful. It allows us to have the proper work ethic, thankfulness and connection with team, leadership to serve our team. 

Matthew 23:12- "For those who exalt themselves will be humbled, and those who humble themselves will be exalted."

Tony Bennett's Core Values

Tony Bennett's Foundation for Success

Sermon Based on Five Pillars of Bennett


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