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Thursday, June 13, 2024

Happy Anniversary- June 13, 1982

Today is Amy and my anniversary. We were married on June 13, 1982. I know that for sure because Amy made a beautiful needlepoint that hangs in our dining room with the date of our wedding. So this is year 42. 

So how did we meet? Amy started her sophomore year at Galesburg HS in 1973-4. I student-taught in the Fall of 1973. Then I was hired to teach in 1974-5. So we were both at GHS for three years together. But Galesburg was a three year HS at that time with 2500 students. We never met, she was never in my class, and we never even knew each other. 

In December 1980, Amy Allen had graduated from Colorado State with a degree in Social Work. She was back to Galesburg for a short time before she planned to head back to Colorado to live and work. Her younger sister, Amanda was on the Streaks girls basketball team as a senior.

In 1980 there were no dating apps. Fortunately Amanda recognized that I was a man in the need of help. For several days, she encouraged me to call her sister. I think he words were something to effect,”You don’t have a social life and my sister is back from college and we would like to get her out of the house.” I got the courage up and finally called her up and set up a date.

On our first date, we went to the Landmark Cafe. And then what else would you do on a first date, we went to the GHS vs Alleman boys basketball at Thiel. In my twisted logic I figured I should find out right away if she liked basketball. When we got to the game, we took our coats down to leave in my room. As we walked down the hall, Amy said that her locker was down that hall when she was in HS. As we walked farther, she pointed to the exact locker and said,”That was my locker all three years.”

Her locker was right next to my classroom door, and right where I stood each morning and afternoon for hall duty. Being young and somewhat full of myself, I was waiting for her to tell me that she used to stare into my classroom and she had always had a crush on me.

I waited but the crush part never came. Thinking maybe she was just embarrassed to share that with me on the first date, I decided to probe a little. I didn’t get the reply I had hoped for, instead she finally asked,”Was this your classroom when I was in school? I don’t remember you.” 

That kind of established our relationship. Amy has always been good at keep my ego in check and putting me in my place when it is needed. People who know Amy and people who know me always give me a look and say,”Man, you were lucky to marry her.” It is part insult to me but 100% recognition of how wonderful Amy is. Using the sports metaphor, I definitely out-kicked my coverage being with Amy. 

Amy’s planned housing arrangement back in Colorado fell thru, so she stayed in Galesburg longer. We didn’t date real long, a year and a half later we got married. We were married at the First Presbyterian Church with Rev. Kermit Peterson as the pastor. Our wedding reception was at Amy’s parent’s house on Park Lane. If I do say, it was perfect. We had her brother in charge of parking and her parents were the perfect hosts. And I found out that Amy did like champagne!

It has been a wonderful 42 years. The highlight of our marriage was being blessed with the birth of Allen in 1997. He has brought joy to our lives over and over.

Amy has been the perfect coach’s wife, she is a professional social worker. She has patiently listened and listened to me as I have worked through issues of coaching. If I paid her by the hour for her counseling, even on a social workers salary she would be a millionaire today!

I think part of our success in marriage may be that I was gone coaching so much. If I had been home more, I am fearful Amy would have realized how annoying I can be. So now that both of us are retired, we may be looking for a bigger home so she can get farther from me. 

As both of us head into retirement, we are not sure exactly what we are going to do- but we will figure it out together. 

Thanks Amanda for the great recommendation, and thanks Amy for being so wonderful!!


  1. Happy Anniversary

  2. Happy anniversary! What a wonderful love story!

  3. Happy Anniversary, Evan and Amy!

  4. Happy Anniversary!

  5. Believe me, she’s always known how annoying you are. Happy anniversary!

  6. Congratulations!! I enjoyed the story of how you met.
