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Thursday, May 30, 2024

Caitlin Clark- A to Z

The following are my observations from watching most of Clark’s college games, reading a lot this summer, watching all the Fever games this summer, watching other WNBA games, and listening to commentary on social media. I haven’t been to a single practice so my knowledge is like most “know it all bb fans,” probably only accurate in my own mind.

A- Aliyah Boston- She seems to be a class act. She seemed to embrace Clark being drafted and all the publicity. And yes Iowa fans, there are actually other players on the Fever roster. At 6’5”, the combination of Clark and Boston needs to be developed more that it has to date. I would like to know where Boston got the ball in college and where she really would like to get it now. It seems they get it to her a lot on the right block and I am not sure she is comfortable with what she wants to do from there. 

Monday, May 27, 2024

Bill Walton- Lunch With Bill

It is with great sadness finding that Bill Walton passed away today. Even though we were the same age, he was definitely a hero for me. It was a golden age for college men's basketball, and UCLA and Bill Walton were the standard bearers. Bill Walton was the best college player during my lifetime- hands down. 

Freshmen were not eligible to play at that time. His first two teams at UCLA were National Champs going 30-0 each year. His junior year, they beat Memphis State in the championship game with Walton going for 44 points on 21-22 from the field. And realize the rules outlawed the dunk- so they were all shots at the basket. 

Winning Formula- Choices + Sacrifice + Leadership

In retirement, I am getting more and more into listening to podcasts. I had the opportunity to listen to Scot Podsednik on White Sox Talk. The way the White Sox are going, you would not expect it to be the place to listen to a conversation about the "winning formula," but it turned out to be.

Podsednik had an interesting perspective on winning. He had been part of the 2005 World Champion team, but had also been part of the some bad teams in different cities during his career. His perspective is that the best way to learn what it takes to win, is to be part of losing team and part of winning teams. In his mind, when you see the contrast, you realize what the critical ingredients are to winning. 

He talked about three key ingredients for winning teams. The following is my analysis of his three ingredients: 

Saturday, May 25, 2024

Females Coaching Females-

I have put all of the posts from Females Coaching Females in one spot. They are under Streaks Resources to the right. 

All you need to do is click on it below, and it will take you there.

Females Coaching Females- Part 6- Passionate & Inspiring

In this series of Females Coaching Females, I hope the voices of the female coaches and the female athletes have made all of us more aware of the value of having female coaches and the issues involved in getting and keeping females in coaching. I appreciate the coaches who took the time to share their insights. 

I want to conclude this series by sharing two last messages from Coach Taylor Jackson (Sterling) and from Coach Kimberly Barth (Washington). In these two passages, they address some of their motivations to coach. I found both their messages extremely inspiring. Both of these women have passion for basketball and their players, both are great role models to their players, and both are VERY talented, knowledgeable, and effective basketball coaches. 

Friday, May 24, 2024

Females Coaching Females- Part 5- My View

My first basketball coaching position was in 1974. My senior year at Knox College, I was "hired" to coach the first Knox women's basketball team. I was a player on the men's team, and received $2.65 per hour, the same as my other campus jobs. I was hired because my coach was confident in me, and he thought it would be good on my resume.

At Galesburg HS, I started out as boys cross country coach, boys track coach, and assistant boys basketball coach. I had quit boys basketball after three years for various reasons, mainly an unhappiness with the new boys head coach. In the summer of 1977, I was called in and recruited to coach girls basketball. The principal said,"You played college basketball, and you have a laid back personality that will be good working with girls." Later I found out the last coach had been unhappy with inequities in pay and facility use. She had gone in for a meeting with a tape recorder. Things regressed and the administration wanted to move on. I became the girls basketball coach. The administration had someone who wouldn't make waves.

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Females Coaching Females- Part 4- Recruiting & Keeping Female Coaches

Recruiting Coaches

Andie Leibach (Retired from Galesburg)- 
I think it is so important to get female athletes involved in helping with levels below themselves. For me, it started in high school as a basketball camp "counselor" and continued into my college summers. As with anything, experience builds confidence, so young women need to be given opportunities and experience with coaching early on. Female athlete leaders should be identified and encouraged as well as exposed to coach-like challenges.

Maggie Molek (Retired from Ridgewood)I think getting females involved at a young as is important, but I think societal expectations makes retaining females much more difficult.

Nicole Brinker (Eastland) I think we need to give kids some experience at a young age.  Our team helps with our camps and some even help coach a local league.  I think giving them a chance to dabble early will give them a feel for if they like it or not. 

Females Coaching Females Part 3- Why We Need Female Coaches

Taylor Jackson- Sterling Girls Basketball Coach

I believe there is a tremendous value of having female coaches for our female athletes.  I did not have many female coaches growing up but you can see the positive impact of females having the opportunity to be coached by strong female coaches.  We are seeing it play out in colleges across the nation as some of the top female coaches are having tremendous success from Lisa Bluder to Dawn Staley to Lindsay Gottlieb and Niele Ivey (some of my personal favorites).  These women represent all that women can be and that it doesn't have to look the same for each coach just like basketball doesn't have to look the same for each player that plays.  

I believe there is a lot of validity to the idea that representation matters.  When our players see female coaches, they see women who are passionate, motivated, driven leaders.  They can be strong and powerful and also be vulnerable and emotional. It is important for our girls to also see this in women and it is a great opportunity through having female coaches.  

Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Females Coaching Females- Part 2- Why Did You Choose To Coach?

I have asked eight female coaches about their experiences coaching and their perspective on females coaching females. Five of the women have been successful head basketball coaches, and three have been assistant coaches. One coach will be starting her 27th season as head coach, while another will be starting her first year as head coach. Three of the women are retired from coaching going into this season. Two of the coaches have won State championships. 

I really appreciate these coaches taking the time to answer my questions. They are eight coaches that I have tremendous respect for!!


Nicole Brinker
- Eastland Girls Basketball Coach. Niocle has been been head coach for 8 seasons. Her teams took 2nd in State in 2019 and 1st in State in 2020.

Question- Why did you decide to go into coaching? I loved the sport and love kids.  I also had many great role models throughout my life that instilled the love of the game that I wanted to share with others.  

Question- Who were the coaches who inspired you?  Did you have any female coaches? Colleen Finn-Henze: She started coaching varsity at Eastland my freshman year.  She was and still is driven, selfless, motivating, KNOWLEDGEABLE, caring and amazing person.  Jane Martz: She was my coach in junior high and then coached at the FS level when I got to high school.  She has a knack for reaching and relating to kids that have a hard shell or have had some tough life experiences. Jan Bowers (my coach at UIS).  She knows so much about the game of basketball and could make changes on the fly so quickly by what she saw was happening. 

Question- Do you feel that as a female coach, you were treated differently by parents of players?  I actually have coached boys and girls in basketball and in softball/baseball and I would say no.  

Did you feel you were treated differently by male coaches? Not by all, but definitely by some.  

Did you feel you were treated differently by refs?  As a new coach....yes.  Since I have built a reputation in the area and know most of the refs...overall no.  However, when we go somewhere new that we don't usually play, then yes.  I get ignored while male coaches seem to be able to say whatever they want. 

Tuesday, May 21, 2024

Females Coaching Females- Part I- History & Numbers

This is the first of several blog posts looking at female coaches coaching female basketball teams. This post is my perspective on the history in Illinois high school basketball, and also looking at some stats on the females coaching. 


My sense is that in Illinois, coaching girls basketball has gone thru four phases. Obviously not every school was the same, but in general this is what I feel happened. 

Phase 1- "If we have to have girls sports, find someone to fill it." Initially often women PE teachers were asked or told to coach the basketball teams (and all the sports). Some of these women may not have had the opportunity to have played the sport before, but they were excited for females to have the opportunity. 

Senior Salute- Congrats Class of 2024


Monday, May 20, 2024





Trust the Process

In Illinois, every girls and boys basketball team is getting ready to get geared up to start their summer programs- camps, skill workouts, leagues, and shootouts. It is really a challenge for coaches to get players signed up, get staff organized to help, and plot out transportation and lodging. And one of the toughest things is to get the players placed in appropriate camp sessions and determine which players are on which teams and attend which shootouts. Summer basketball in Illinois has become a big deal. 

Sunday, May 19, 2024

Basketball Coaching Expectations & Culture

 In the next week or two, most basketball teams in Illinois will be starting up with their practice or camps. The great thing about the summer is that it is a chance to start fresh with the players. In that first week of camp or practice, it is the time emphasize specific expectations of players- how you want them to practice, skills you want to emphasize, how you want them to communicate on the floor, etc. It is a time to establish your team culture- it is a “fresh start.” Last season, anything that was either minor issues or major issues can be cleaned up. 

Massey Retirement Party- “Team Picture”

 This is the “team picture” from my retirement party. We had players from 1978 and 2024. From Washington DC, Colorado, Chicago, St.Louis, and Carbondale- thanks for coming back. Looking at this picture- we could put together a pretty good team with this group of players!!

Saturday, May 18, 2024

Massey Retirement Party

It was a great night! Thanks for everybody who came out to make tonight a special night. It was so good to see all of you and to share wonderful memories! I hope all of your experiences with Streaks basketball were as special for you as they were for me. Thanks for coming!!

Las Vegas Aces- Each Get $100k Sponsorships


How cool is this? The Ace players are surprised in the lockeroom to find out that they are each getting $100k. This article explains it, but the best past is to scroll down and watch the video of when the players got the news!

Aces Get $100k Each

Friday, May 17, 2024

IBCA Ceremony- Recognizing 1,000 Wins


This is ceremony at the IBCA night. The IBCA was recognizing my 1,000th win and my retirement. 

Massey Retirement- WQAD


This is clip from WQAD’s coverage of my retirement.

1,000th Win- WQAD


These are clips from WQAD’s coverage of my 1000th win at UTHS in December, 2024.

1,000th Win- KWQC


These are clips from KWQC covering my 1,000th win vs UTHS in December of 2024.

Thursday, May 16, 2024

Baskipedia Podcast: Evan Massey- Grinnell System Years at GHS


Several years ago I had the opportunity to talk with Marc Hart on his Baskipedia Podcast. He does a fantastic job of promoting the sport of basketball with his podcast and his clinics. If you don’t follow him on social media or belong to his clinics- you are missing out. 

Baskipedia Podcast

Wednesday, May 15, 2024

System Basketball- Check Streaks Resources


Everything on System Basketball has been organized into one spot. If you look in the upper right side of Massey Basketball Blog, you will see “Streaks Resources.” Scan down under “Streaks Resources” and click on “System Basketball.” 

It has essays that I wrote on System Basketball, interviews with System coaches, and articles written about the Streaks teams who ran the System. 

Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Aliyah Boston Coaches Caitlin Clark


Caitlin Clark had a tough first half. Aliyah Boston, the veteran leader didn’t wait to get to the lockeroom to “coach” Caitlin Clark, the rookie. Whether she was giving her tough love, encouragement or tips- she was being a leader. 

Too often as coaches, we act as if a player is either a leader or not a leader. We design drills in practice to help players become better shooters, better screeners, and better defenders. Why shouldn’t we be using practice to help players become better leaders? What Boston was doing was not complicated and not difficult- with practice any player could do this. 

When things are going bad, too many players become self-absorbed or filled with self-pity. In this situation, Boston stepped out of herself and thought “team first.”

In practice would it work to have 3 seniors or 3 captains, have a “leadership task?” Maybe it as simple as each coach takes one “leader” and instructs them that they are to 5 times in practice purposely on the sideline when out of drills or on the court during a drill give a specific assigned player 10-20 seconds of “coaching.” It can be physically reaching out and giving them a fist bump, giving them praise, giving them some tips, or giving them tough love. Then after practice that “leader” needs to talk to their assistant coach- debrief and describe what they did and what they could have done better.

The objective would be to work on specific leadership behaviors in practice vs yelling at the players during halftime to step up as leaders. Train ball handling, shooting, and LEADERSHIP!!

And players don’t need to have this organized by a coach. A player could set out a “leadership goal” in each practice. Maybe it is a senior recognizing a sophomore on the varsity is lacking confidence. So the senior could set out to make sure to give the sophomore 5 fist bumps, encouragements, praises, etc. Then after practice, reflect on the specific examples of leadership and evaluate yourself. And it doesn’t have to be a senior- any player can work on their leadership. 



Monday, May 13, 2024

Players Building Culture

Some say “culture” is an over used word in sports. I would disagree, “culture” is at the heart of any team’s success. “Culture” is what makes any business or organization successful. Culture is a set of shared values, beliefs, and norms for behavior. When everyone is “on the same page,” “buying in,” “rowing the same direction”- a group or organization works. 

In basketball, culture evolves around several things-

1- How players treat each other.

2- How players feel about the team in general and how important the team is to them. 

3- Players belief in the coaches and desire to be coached.

4- How players approach practice.

5- How players approach competing.

6- How players handle winning and losing. 

A coach can guide and encourage players behavior, and then a coach can reinforce positive behaviors. But it is the players who create the culture with their behaviors. While each team is unique in some ways, often the culture is passed down from one team to the next. Individuals and teams have the ability to add onto the existing culture and to make the culture stronger. 

Sunday, May 12, 2024

Greatest Galesburg Player of All-Time- My Opinion

 Over the years, people have asked who would be my all-time starting five in Galesburg girls basketball, or who I think is the all-time best player in GHS history. Usually I respond with something like,”There are too many good players to decide on that.” 

After I respond by saying I really can’t decide, they precede to tell me who the greatest player of all-time is, or who the starting five would be. And it is not unusual for them to also tell me who the best GHS team of all-time is. While appreciate their interest in Streaks girls basketball, many of the people who give me their answers are people who probably have watched maybe ten years of GHS basketball. 

For me as the coach, I have a bunch of all-time favorite teams and I have a bunch of all-time starting fives. When it comes to all-time best GHS player- it is obvious to me who the all-time best player has been. While I know a coach should not share their opinion, I am willing to tell you who I think is the all-time best GHS girls basketball player!!

Friday, May 10, 2024

1978-2024 Book from 2024 Team

 2024 Streaks gave me a wonderful book filled with pictures from the last 46 years of Streaks Basketball. It is as thoughtful and as meaningful of a gift as anyone could possibly give me. Thanks to the 2024 Streaks for your thoughtfulness!!!

Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Focus on the Process- Part 2

Becoming a successful athlete does not just happen by dreaming about it, it takes commitment and hard work. There are many opportunities that exist today for a young athlete that did not exist 20 years ago. Some older people groan and wish we could go back to a simpler time with less activities being organized for young people by adults. 

Several years ago I was at a get together and fell into a conversation with a man who had played football at Galesburg High School in the 1950’s. He asked me what the girls basketball players did in the summer. It was a conversation I was somewhat hesitant to delve into, I anticipated he would be critical of the amount of summer activities I had organized for the girls. To my surprise, his reaction was the opposite. He said,”I am glad you have them doing a lot, it seems like too many teenagers just sit around today.”

Tuesday, May 7, 2024

Focus on the Process- Part 1

Athletes in general and basketball playersin particular need to have goals and need a vision of what they want to achieve. A player can dream of becoming all-state, of averaging so many points per game, or winning a championship. All of these goals are examples of “outcome goals” or “performance goals.” “Outcome goals” can serve to help motivate and inspire an athlete. 

While championship athletes and All-American athletes all of “outcome goals,” they seem to share one common characteristic. The great athletes are locked into and are focused on the process. 
The outcome goals are all about the future, while the process goals are all about now. Process goals are about what you are planning to do today and what you are going to demand of yourself. 

Kiarra Kilgore- Senior Refections


Kiarra Kilgore was on the varsity all four year’s. As a freshman, she and her class had no summer camp and no summer league, so it was quite an achievement to go right from JH basketball to playing on the varsity. For the next four years Kiarra never backed down from any challenges. She went from a quiet player as a freshman to a tremendous leader as a junior and senior. All the fans would recognize her on the floor basketball achievements, but as coaches and as teammates we appreciated the combination of her competitiveness and her leadership. When things got tough, Ki stepped up and helped pull the team together. We are excited to follow Ki’s college career. 

Massey- What are your plans for next year?

Kiarra- I will be attending Missouri S&T. 

Massey- What made you pick Missouri S& T?

Saturday, May 4, 2024

Alexis Edgerson- Senior Reflections


Alexis Edgerson was on the varsity for three years. As a sophomore she came off the bench, and then she started her last two years. She invested time and worked in the off-season on her shot, but she will always be remembered for how hard she worked on defense. When we defended the ball screen, our rule was that the defender on the ball ALWAYS was supposed to go over the ball screen. Alexis was a master at defending the ball screen, and actually picked up a couple fouls on screeners each game. 

Alexis has important characteristics that made her a great basketball player and make her successful in everything she does-

1- She wants to learn- which made her coachable in basketball and teachable in the classroom.

Thursday, May 2, 2024

Syriah Boyd- Senior Reflections

Syriah Boyd came off the bench to help us win the Regional Championship as a sophomore. She went onto be a starter for the Streaks as both a junior and a senior. Probably every game she was matched up to guard a post player who was significantly taller than her, but she used her strength and quickness to battle them. Her defense on those posts was very important to our success. 

Massey- Where are you going to school next year?

Syriah-  Tennessee State University

Massey- What made you choose Tennessee State?

Syriah-  Going to an HBCU has been my dream, on my visit I fell in love with the team and automatically felt at home.

Massey- What do you plan to study?

Syriah- Major in Nursing, then become a Travel ER Nurse, or possibly continue my education to get my Masters in Nursing and become a Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetists.

Wednesday, May 1, 2024

Antonia Kisler- Senior Reflections

Antonia Kisler brought high energy and a tremendous work ethic to the basketball program. Both her junior and senior year’s she was selected by her teammates for the “Bring It Award.” That award is given to the player who brings it in the weight room, in practice, in the off-season, and during games. Antonia was certainly a leader, and set the tone for the entire team with her approach. 
With Antonia’s work ethic, it will be exciting to see how much she improves as a basketball player while at Sandburg. 

Massey- Where will you be going to school next fall?

Antonia-  I will be attending Carl Sandburg College in the fall.

Massey- Why did you pick Sandburg?

Antonia- I picked this school to continue my basketball career and to get started with my college education at a low cost.