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Monday, August 12, 2024

Edgerson & Kisler- The Value of the Weight Room

"Bring It and Most Improved"

Two individual awards Galesburg Girls Basketball presents at the end of the year are "Most Improved Player," and "Bring It Award." Both awards are selected by the team. Most Improved can be the player who improved the most in the off-season, or who improved the most during the season. "Bring It" goes to the player who doesn't take days off in summer workouts, the weight room, practice, or games- they "bring it" every day. 

Both of these awards are recognizing important values of championship teams- humility (I need to get better), work ethic, commitment, and persistence. In the last two seasons, Antonia Kisler and Alexis Edgerson won these awards. Their teammates recognized their work ethic and commitment during both during the season and during the off-season. 

For Alexis and Antonia, their work and their commitment started in the weight room. I have them to share what athletes need to do in the weight room to become successful athletes. 

"Making the game easier for me."

- Obviously lifting in the weight room is work. There is not much glamour to it. How do you feel lifting changed you physically? And how did lifting help you as an athlete?

AntoniaLifting definitely changed my physique. I became a lot stronger and became toned and muscular. Lifting helped my vertical, being able to play against bigger people, and overall my speed and agility.

AlexisLifting not only makes you physically stronger, but I think it helped when it came to injuries or soreness. Lifting caused a decrease in injuries and also helped improve our mobility and movements in the game, making the game easier for everyone.

"Will help with your discipline not only in basketball, but many other phases of life."

- What would you say to the athlete who says-“I am going to lift but some days I just don’t feel like it.”

AntoniaI would say they have a lazy mindset. If you want to become a good athlete, it starts in the weight room. Lifting is such a good thing for athletes as it helps you become less injury prone and stronger player.

AlexisJust because you “don’t feel like doing something” doesn’t mean it shouldn’t be done. There is going to be a lot of things you don’t feel like doing in life and pushing through that feeling and working hard will help with your discipline not only in basketball, but many other phases of life.

"It starts with one person."

- What would you say to the athlete who looks around and sees either teammates or athletes in other sports messing around instead of working and says, “Why should I lift hard, others are not.”

AntoniaBe the leader and lead by example. It starts with one person to elevate a team, be that person. It doesn’t matter what anyone else is doing anyway, put in the extra effort and push yourself to become the best player you can be.

AlexisDoing what everyone else is doing will result in becoming an average player, but working hard when others aren’t will benefit you and form you into a better, hard working player. Coaches always notice the player working the hardest.

"It becomes contagious."

- It is sometimes tough but as a captain or as a leader of a team, what do you need to do to get your teammates doing the work they need to do in the weight room?

AntoniaI always try to lead by example. If people see you are working hard, they will want to work hard too. It becomes contagious. Be a positive encouraging voice the whole way too.

AlexisWhile telling teammates to lift and put in the work is helpful, I believe showing them is the best way to influence teammates. Also when you are talking about lifting, avoid making remarks as if practicing is a chore, but speak about it in a beneficial way that is just helping the process of being a great athlete.

"You become better connected as a team."

- The weight room obviously helped you physically become very good athletes. Besides it helping you physically, how else did it help you?

AntoniaWhen you and your team are in the weight room together, you see everyone pushing and trying to make themselves better. You become better connected as a team.

AlexisTruthfully, the weight room had a big impact on me mentally. It improves discipline and mental strength. Working hard in the weight room resulted to us working hard during practices and becoming more attentive.

"Try and go up in weight every week."

- Obviously you work hard in the off-season and during the season to be successful in games. Did it negatively impact your performance in games to lift heavy in season? To lift the day before games? To lift the day of games?

AntoniaNo, not even close. When you have been lifting for a while, having the same routines, you don’t become as sore or tired when you are lifting during the season. I would still try and go up in weight every week. It never made me feel that I couldn’t practice as hard or even play that night. I always felt accomplished after leaving the weight room.

AlexisThe way our lifting schedule was set up worked well with our game schedule.

"Get athletes more dialed into their sports."

- Besides the weight room and the strength program, in what other ways were you helped as an athlete in Sports Performance PE?

AntoniaI think it helped me get going for practice. Having Advanced PE right at the end of the day was a big help for being ready to start practice. It also helped me have consistency, doing the same routine of things every week building skills.

Alexis- Sports Performance PE was a great way to get athletes more dialed into their sports. It is filled with a bunch of students who truly want to get better and that helps encourage others. It also gives busy athletes a chance to put the work in during school, considering some kids may not have rides or time after school to get in the gym.

"Being positive and encouraging."

- Coach Noonan is so knowledgeable and helped you with techniques, and helped you understand why you were doing what you were doing. What role did Coach Noonan play in helping you as an athlete?

AntoniaCoach Noonan really helped elevate the kids during the PE classes. He would try to get everyone going, being positive and encouraging everyone. He was always there if you had any questions for lifting techniques, workouts, or anything like that. He really cares about making programs better for the athletes.

Alexis-  Coach Noonan put a big emphasis on our muscles, stretching, and weight room in general. He set time aside for those things and I think it helps in the long run when it comes to building a healthy, strong team and preventing injuries.

"One of the best team bonding activities."

- We were fortunate to have many basketball players work hard in the weight room. Alexis Edgerson and Antonia Kisler are two basketball players who totally "bought into the weight room." They didn't just "show up" in the weight room, they were totally committed in the weight room. They lifted hard on days they felt good, and they lifted hard on days they were tired and wanted to be someplace else. They lifted hard whether they had a game in 3 days or in 1 day. 

With their work ethic and commitment in the weight room, they established themselves as team leaders. Their commitment in the weight room transformed them from being average basketball players to being very good basketball players. Their work ethic and commitment helped transform our team from being good to becoming very good. 

The weight room is one of the best team bonding activities for a team. The weight room is not for everyone, and neither is winning championships for everyone. 

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