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Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Watson in IBCA Hall of Fame

It is fitting that Molly Watson was the first GHS girls basketball player selected to the IBCA Hall of Fame. During her three years as a starter, GHS went 91-11. At the end of the season polls, GHS was rated #1, #2, #1 her three years. She was surrounded by many great players- we had great TEAMS. But in my biased opinion, at 5'4" she was the most dominant girls basketball player in WB6 history. Her senior year, the Streaks were 33-0 before losing to Taylorville in the State semis. 

She went on to play at DePaul University and was very successful on collegiate level. 

Quite simply, Galesburg fell in love with Molly and her teammates. Every IHSA attendance record was eventually set by Galesburg. It was the result of a lot of good players, but the love affair started with Molly.

Congratulations to Steve & Jeanine

There are many great girls basketball fans in Galesburg. Steve and Jeanine Bryant are not only some of the best GHS fans, but they are also the best fans of Illinois girls basketball.
Steve has been willing to drive across Illinois to get tapes when we needed them. In 1999 after winning the Supers, Steve headed to Chicago and got us lots of tapes on Loyola. It is for that reason after we upset Loyola, we presented Steve with the original scouting report on Loyola. Steve and Jeanine have followed the Streaks everywhere, and have hosted them in their homes.
In their nomination, other coaches said the following-

Lori Blade (Coach of Edwardsville)- They have always been a positive and wonderful representative of what a true basketball fan should be.  They have a true appreciation for all participants.  Their nomination for IBCA HOF Friends of Basketball is as deserving as any nomination could be.  They have been and continue to be a true blessing to the game of basketball.

Jay Hatch (Coach of Alleman)- Steve and Jeanine Bryant are a great nomination for Friends of Basketball.  They are strong supporters of Galesburg basketball, but they are also strong supporters of basketball in general. 

Mark Smith (Coach of Maine South)- I would come to find out how special and loyal two of these fans were - not only to 'their" team - but to girls' basketball throughout the state.  Steve and Jeanine Bryant are among the greatest high school girls basketball fans that I know. 

Bill Lapp (former Coach of Carthage)- As the head varsity coach at Carthage High School, I remember the Galesburg teams as some of our biggest fans. Our teams and fans had great respect for one another. The memory of the state tournament where the Streaks cheered at the Bluegirl quarterfinal and vice-versa are still solid in my mind. The two Galesburg fans that most stand out however are Steve and Jeaninne.

The Bryant’s were the type of individuals that supported the game above the team. They appreciated all kids who committed themselves to the game they so loved. The Bryant’s adopted our team. During the summer camp months as well as fall tourna- ments, they would have our Bluegirl teams to their home as a place to relax in between contests. Periodically, they also would be fans in the stands at big games we were in, during the season as well as post-season. Confidently, I know that their attitude to our team transcended into the mutual respect each team had for one another. There is NO one couple I could recommend greater than Steve and Jeaninne Bryant.

Wednesday, August 5, 2015


"You make the choice to make great habits. Are the habits that you have today on par with the dreams that you have for tomorrow?"  - Stephen Curry

Friday, July 31, 2015

Takes More Than Talent

Talent- “Talent gets you in the gym, attitude and effort decides where your seat is.”

This summer we played a league game in which Lexi Daniels made 5 or 6 threes in the game. After the game, an adult came up to me and said, “She is just a natural shooter.” I know what the adult meant, but I don’t think it is really an accurate statement.  Sometimes a player can make things look so easy, it is understandable when people look and think it is just “natural.”

When we say someone is a “natural,” the implication is that they were born this way. The reality is that in sports and in life very few people are naturals. They may be born with certain valuable characteristics, but they work and work to develop that ability.

I believe most successful people get there through hard work. From my experience, successful people possess five important qualities.

Passion-  “Nothing great was ever achieved without enthusiasm.” (Ralph Waldo Emerson)

To become a great shooter, it requires so many repetitions. If a player doesn’t have a passion for basketball, it will be work and not be much fun. In any sport to do the required practice, you must have a love for the sport. Great artists love painting, great musicians love music. To become great at anything, you must have a passion for it.

Friday, July 10, 2015

Team Cultures

The following is from Jeff Janssen....



Do you have a positive and productive culture firmly in place that helps you win on and off the playing fields?

Or are you frustrated because you seem to have a Country Club Culture where many of your athletes are too soft, lazy, and entitled?

Or worse yet, do you have a Corrosive Culture filled with conflicts, criticism, and cliques that distract, divide, and destroy your team from within?

Unfortunately, many coaches don’t realize the full impact of their culture - until it’s too late. For example, in the frustrating last days of his coaching career at Illinois, former men’s basketball coach Bruce Weber candidly lamented to the media, “You have got to develop a culture. I think the last three years all I worried about was winning rather than developing a culture. I am disappointed in myself for not developing a culture of toughness with our team.”
Your team’s culture has a powerful, persistent, and pervasive impact on everything you do in your program. It impacts recruiting, attitude, commitment, competitiveness, chemistry, etc. Because of this, you must invest the time to continually mold, monitor, measure, and maintain your culture throughout the course of a season.
To build a winning culture, you must first honestly and accurately assess your current culture.Being privileged to work closely with hundreds of programs each year through our Leadership Academies, here are the eight most common kinds of cultures I see when working with a variety of teams. I've categorized the eight cultures based on how much the particular culture values and emphasizes both relationships and results. See which of the eight best describes the current state of your program.



A Corrosive Culture is highly toxic and is characterized by a lot of conflict, negativity, frustration, cliques, gossiping, distrust, and selfishness. It is obviously not one that is fun to be around and the turmoil and tension off the field/court almost surely affects the team on it. From a relationship standpoint, cliques will often develop that divide, distract, and destroy the team. Rather than battling your opponents, your athletes spend more time battling each other and the coaching staff because no one is on the same page working toward the same goal.
From a results standpoint, people become apathetic or even resistant toward team goals because they lose respect for their coaches and/or teammates. In Corrosive Cultures there is a lot of selfishness because in such a negative and dysfunctional environment, members basically must look out for themselves because they don’t trust their teammates and coaches. As the name suggests, Corrosive Cultures eat away at people’s attitudes, commitment, and chemistry much like a caustic acid. Ultimately, people just seek to endure in this kind of culture or escape it whenever possible.


The Country Club Culture is one of entitlement, appearances, and leisure. The priority in this culture is to look good and to have a good time rather than to win championships. It is a superficial and soft culture where little accountability is expected from its members so people are allowed to coast. Playing time and leadership positions are often not based on merit but instead on politics, popularity, and brown-nosing. The currency in a Country Club culture of is much more about style than substance. Status in a Country Club Culture is accrued primarily by the kind of gear people wear. Results are clearly secondary and relationships are superficial at best.

Saturday, January 3, 2015

Kobe Bryant's View of AAU Basketball

LOS ANGELES -- Kobe Bryant believes European basketball players are more skillful than American basketball players, and says it's a growing trend that can be blamed on the greed and coaching at the AAU level.
"I just think European players are just way more skillful," Bryant said Friday night after the Los Angeles Lakers109-106 loss to the Memphis Grizzlies. "They are just taught the game the right way at an early age. ... They're more skillful. It's something we really have to fix. We really have to address that. We have to teach our kids to play the right way."