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Saturday, April 28, 2012

GHS After 41 Years

The Quad City Times ran an article about the WB6 where they mentioned in boys sports, GHS has not won a WB6 title in baseball, track, football, or basketball since 1998. It mentioned that was 54 total seasons without a championship. People are quick to come up with explanations for success and lack of success.

On the girls side, GHS has won only 1 WB6 title in the last 8 years in basketball, volleyball, track, and softball.

In these 8 "major" sports as determined by the QC Times, 50% of them have not won a single conference title in the last 20 years. Only one of the sports has won more than one conference title in the last twenty years.

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Twitter- High School Athletes

The following recruiting tip was posted by an agency involved in helping high school players with the recruiting process--

"Every college coach I know say they've stopped recruiting a player based on their online updates w/ disrespectful language."

Some simple advice to high school athletes--

1- Don't use profanity on twitter.

Sunday, April 15, 2012

Jason Shay- Thanks For Your Help

I found when I first starting coaching, the most effective way to learn was to talk to other coaches. Some coaches are very open and very sharing, other coaches can be very secretive. In coaching girls basketball, some coaches could be very condescending and would not give me the time of day. Fortunately I have had many coaches who have patiently listened to my questions.

I have really appreciated Jason Shay’s willingness to listen to my questions, and his willingness to share his expertise. Jason has been a tremendous resource to me. Not only is he willing to field my questions, he is one of the most knowledgeable basketball coaches I have been around. There are a lot of things pretty impressive about Jason as a coach.

Thursday, April 12, 2012

Tiffany Sibley- Signing

Tiffany Sibley will be going into the Illinois Basketball Coaches Hall of Fame this spring. This is a picture from her signing to go to Northern Iowa. the picture is from 1991-2 season.

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Jeff VanGundy Wisdom

Jeff VanGundy is someone I didn't like when he was coaching, now I love listening to him as he covers games. He falls in the category of Rick Majerus, Doug Collins, and Dan Dakich. When they cover a game, it is a coaching clinic.

Wisdom from last nights Bulls game--

"Good teams can adjust after wins. Bad teams only adjust after losses."

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Exploring Our Limits

The following exerpt from Terry Orlick's book- "Exploring Our Limits" was part of todays Psych II lesson on humanist psychology and goal setting. I think it is a great exerpt which makes us think about how we can have the ability to open up our potential or the ability to limit our potential.

     My personal experiences as a competitive athlete have been rich ones. There have been some memorable highs which remain with me. Some involved achieving personal goals, others involved the sheer joy of being absorbed in the experience. One of my achievement highs was when I first did a quadruple twisting back sommersault on the trampoline. Some might say-- so what? Who cares if you can spin your body around in the air four times before coming down? What difference does it make?

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Rainee Sibley- Back On Track

The Register-Mail ran an article on Rainee Sibley running track. We have several of our Streaks varsity players out for track this spring. Myra Diggins, Sharron Diggins, Rainee Sibley, Chloe Anderson, and Allison Mangieri. I am especially pleased several of them are running 400 & 800- I think that is great prep for basketball.

Sibley gets back on track with Silver Streaks

By Matthew Wheaton
The Register-Mail

Monday, April 2, 2012

Shaka Smart- Pressing

Coach Shaka Smart (Head Coach – VCU)
What are we trying to get out of the press?
·      Turnovers (Live Ball)
·      Quick / Bad Shots
·      Create Offensive Opportunities
·      Force Tempo / Disrupt Offensive Flow
·      Difficult to Prepare For
·      Make Opposing Players do things they aren’t comfortable doing
·      Create fatigue (Cumulative Effect)      
-       Who gets tired 1st? Who recovers quickest?
·      Make depth a factor (Who’s 6-10 is better?)
·      Exciting style of play (Players/fans)
·      Identity/Brand